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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Disgusting: Kim Foxx Defenders Smear Chicago Cops as 'Blue Klux Klan,' Racists

Question: How can the law enforcement apparatus in a major American city function properly when the police and the top prosecutor are at war with each other? Chicago's incoming Mayor has her work cut out for her. By now, you already know the Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx has been blasted by national and state-level organizations of district attorneys and prosecutors for her unethical and dishonest handling of the Jussie Smollett case -- and that Chicago cops have demanded a federal investigation into her office's conduct related to the matter. The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police has formally called on her to resign in a 'no confidence' vote:
Chicago's police union has demanded the resignation of Cook County State's Attorney Kimberly Foxx after prosecutors dropped 16 felony counts against "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett. The city's Fraternal Order of Police and the suburban police chiefs associations announced a "no confidence" vote against Foxx during a joint news conference Thursday afternoon. "We are grateful for the top police officials here with one united voice to demand the resignation of Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx,” said Kevin Graham, president of the Fraternal Order of Police. Graham said the vote was about more than the Smollett case, but noted that the high-profile incident undermined the public's confidence in Chicago's criminal justice system.
These criticisms echoed the furious responses of the Chicago Police Superintendent and the city's outgoing Mayor, who blasted Foxx's decision to let Smollett off the hook after his costly, damaging and divisive 'hate crime' hoax. Foxx's moves, which came in the midst of apparent conflicts of interest and a "recusal" lie, didn't even result in Smollett being required to admit guilt and apologize for his actions. Astoundingly, his lawyers are insisting that Chicago should be apologizing to their client. No wonder local authorities are so disgusted:



  1. The cops were black lol

  2. Straight to racist name calling. How very like the Democrats.

  3. it was not but its starting too become one!!

  4. Northwest Woodsman: I believe a race war is inevitable if diversity forces continue to play their race cards in the manner featured in this article. They have relentlessly pushed their agenda and, unfortunately they have been phenomenally successful because of the complacent nature of the people they are targeting. Each time we give in to their demands they see it as a weakness and further exploit us. It will eventually reach a tipping point and all he’ll is going to break loose and it will be ugly. I have been monitoring this activity over the last few years and administrators and it is obvious to me that they have become emboldened to a point where they think they can get away with any of their outrageous demands. Be prepared for we are in for some interesting times. Germany of the 20s and 30s is not that long ago and if you were to study world history you’d find that we have been living an an abnormally peaceful period. That is about to end. Prepare yourselves.

  5. Well there gonna be a record number of MURDER in SHITCOGO for a while. Don't call 911 you RACISTS.


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