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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Students, alumni outraged, 'shaking' after Vice President Pence invited to give commencement

Vice President Mike Pence is getting push back from Taylor University students and alumni after the small evangelical Christian school tapped the former Indiana governor to be this year's commencement speaker.

Over 3,300 people have signed a change.org petition to get Pence's invitation to the mid-May commencement ceremony rescinded, claiming the "Trump-Pence Administration's policies" are "not consistent with the Christian ethic of love we hold dear."

One Taylor grad said the school, "should be ashamed...I am physically shaking...I feel personally attacked," but not all alumni agree and Taylor officials said they are standing by their decision.

Kevin Holtsberry, a Taylor alumnus, told "Fox & Friends" Monday morning the outraged alumni and students are mistaking disagreement on political issues with personal attacks, while also thanking the school for "standing firm" and not pulling Pence's invitation.




  1. That's why the dumbocrats want them to vote!

  2. Goofy snowflakes.

  3. What a bunch of whiny snot nose children. What the hell is happening to our higher institutions of learning? they need to grow up and accept both sides so they can make better decisions. They are sick!

  4. Not sure what type of Christian values their teaching but obviously not of Jesus.

  5. Just stand up to these idiots, say "No!" And let them stomp their feet and scream at the sky.

    Steny Hoyer was my commencement speaker. I disagree with many of his views but was respectful. My parents taught me well.

  6. Stop Government funding. This is a State school.

  7. Many of the graduates are crying and cuddling soft fluffy stuffed toys in the schools safe room. Some have even been unable to color or make anything out of Playdoe. These future leaders of our country are so upset with his coming and going to speak.

  8. What the heck has happened to Taylor? Used to be a middle of the road reasonable place.

  9. For crying out loud, if Roy Rogers were alive today they'd make him change his horse's name.


  10. Truly misinformed protesters. VP is/always has been staunch family values guy which should mesh with Christian values like a glove. Never heard of their school. They should be giddy with the honor he's paying to their one ring circus. Snowflakes!


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