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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Sanctuary Cities Welcome Illegal Aliens with ‘Open Arms’ While 38K American Veterans Remain Homeless

Sanctuary cities across the United States are responding to President Donald Trump’s threat to bus border crossers and illegal aliens to their jurisdictions, saying they plan to welcome all illegal immigration with “open arms” despite soaring homelessness problems.

Last week, Trump threatened to bus border-crossers and illegal aliens into sanctuary cities and states, like California and New York City, if the country’s asylum laws were not changed. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Sunday confirmed that the White House is considering the plan.

In interviews with the Daily Beast, sanctuary city mayors from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; and Cambridge, Massachusetts, said their jurisdictions would be happy to welcome all illegal aliens.

In total, there are more than 550,000 American residents who are homeless nationwide. Meanwhile, the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million illegal and legal immigrants every year — the overwhelming majority of which are low skilled workers who compete for jobs against America’s poor, working, and middle class. The Washington, DC-imposed mass immigration policy drives housing costs up for Americans, economists have found.



  1. Seems liberal California is the only one that doesn't want them.

  2. "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” -President Ronald Reagan

    Fellow travelers, we wish that Reagan's words still rang true like they did when he was our leader. But as evidenced here, the liberals have morphed into Moaists, Leftists and centrists. How do you know the difference?

    We should not vilify the true liberals. The ones who care about rights and freedoms. Soon, they too will be disgusted by the Maoists and Leftists. It's just a matter of time, you have seen their reaction the the post-birth abortion laws in NY and Va.

    The Maoists and Leftists, my listeners, have the eyes and minds of Satan. You can identify them so easily. They are clearly part of the realm beyond which humans, regardless of religious beliefs, would identify as even remotely moral. Their consciousness has been replaced with Alinsky, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao's Little Red Book.

    They make even Barack Obama look like a centrists. We have entered a dark era.

  3. There are many, many more coming, and it won't stop.

  4. Well as Alexandria Cortez said, our Vets don't do much that is dangerous. The only danger she said they are exposed to is maybe a dog they are treating might bite them, or a kitty scratch them.

  5. Sad and disgusting!

  6. 38,000 is a low estimate.

  7. Thank Your DEMON-CRATS !!!! It's ALL on them !!!!

  8. As far as I've noticed, OC has NO Hispanic illegals living on the street and never has. I guess they are paying their own way?

  9. I hope these sanctuary cities invest in body bags because they sure will need them the #1 #2 crimes will sure go up. Plus something their not thinking of they will loose a lot of tourism that they may need.

  10. Keep on Giving America Away !!! It will be Ruined from within !!!!

    China & Russia just waiting to Take Over !!!! Fact


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