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Monday, April 08, 2019

Stream of anti-Trump media reports clashes with Mueller findings

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s no-conspiracy finding casts doubt on the liberal media’s widely reported allegations that Trump campaign officials conducted a steady stream of secret communications with Kremlin intelligence during the 2016 election.

The media reports in such leading publications of The New York Times and The New Yorker fed the Democrat Party narrative that President Trump and his aides conspired with Russians in computer hacking and social media attacks on Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Mueller, as directly quoted by Attorney General William Barr in a letter to Congress, concluded on March 22 that his team of prosecutors and FBI investigators didn’t establish a conspiracy.

If there had been constant Trump-Kremlin election communication, Mr. Mueller would have come to a different conclusion, congressional sources say.

Tom Fitton, who directs the conservative investigative group Judicial Watch, argues that the intercept stories came from Democrat loyalists inside and outside the government.

“They all knew or should have known there was no collusion, but [they] had an agenda of overthrowing President Trump, so the truth never mattered to them,” Mr. Fitton told The Washington Times.


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