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Monday, April 08, 2019

Born Alive Bill Will Be Major 2020 Issue

Republicans want to hold Dems accountable for blocking newborn protections

House Republicans want to hold Democrats accountable for the party's near-unanimous opposition to caring for babies who survive abortion.

The GOP is pushing a bill that would force doctors to provide life-saving care to babies who survive abortions. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act failed in the Senate after only three Democrats crossed the aisle to support it, falling short of the 60-vote threshold. The Democrat-controlled House has blocked a similar bill from even coming to a floor vote, leading congressional Republicans to launch a discharge petition to rescue it from dying in committee.

GOP whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R., La.) is spearheading the petition drive. His outreach effort to Democrats, however, has only yielded three signatures—putting him 18 votes short of getting the bill out of the Judiciary Committee. Scalise said Democrats will not be able to dodge the issue.



  1. Doctors will be required to save the childs life and then the GOP will take away any type of social aide to the mother and child who need it.

  2. The new Dem party
    Anti Israel
    Anti christian
    Pro Islam
    Pro world open boarders
    Pro welfare
    Pro free free free everything
    Anti cop
    Anti free speech
    Anti 2 nd Amendment
    Pro killing full term babies
    Pro Soros.
    NO CHANCE IN 2020.

  3. 12:48

    Social Aide? Where's the Daddy???????


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