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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Report: Obama Sets New Record In Narcissism: Mentions Himself Almost 400 Times in 90-Minute Speech

Speaking on Saturday in Germany, former president Barack Obama may have set a new record for narcissism, reportedly mentioning himself almost 400 times in a 90 minute speech. Obama’s reported 392 references in 90 minutes would average out to roughly 4.4 times a minute, or referring to himself roughly once every fifteen seconds.

As noted by Tom Elliott at Grabien, here is the breakdown of Obama’s self-absorption and his use of various references to himself:

"I" — 274

"Me" — 25

"My" — 31

"I’d" — 9

"I’m" — 41

"Myself" — 7

“Obama” — 5

Obama’s remarks began with him getting off to a running start on his way to a new personal best:



  1. He broke the state of Illinois. You get an IOU from this state if you hit the lottery. Should of been impeached on several counts. What a clown.

  2. I'm just surprised that the people who voted for him in the first place couldn't see his narcissism. I did the first time he opened his mouth. Never listened to him again. Thanks to Obama middle class is now poor But he isn't.

    1. But I bet you're a Trump supporter. So you now just proved you are also a hypocrite

    2. The pigs voted for the farmer George

    3. 10:24 You know what they say about assuming...

  3. I love with himself so much he just can't get over it

  4. He still thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Barry you do not even belong in the United States, you're one of those illegal aliens we have hanging out in this country. If I'm wrong, prove it (and not with that fake birth certificate either).

  5. America has seen the true meaning of incompetence and The Peter Principle first hand. I saw an excerpt of his speech and frankly he does not do well with off the cuff remarks; and we think Trump is bad. The truth will come out eventually about him and many are going to have to eat a whole bunch of crow.

  6. He was raised by professionals to think the way he does.

  7. The only people that want to hear this clown are people that havn't had to live through his incompetence.


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