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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Corporate dad says he 'shouldn't have to get up at night' to calm crying newborns

A corporate father has sparked debate by saying he 'shouldn't have to get up at night' with his newborn twins.

The dad posted to Reddit to say that he and his wife had their babies three weeks ago, but he works 'while she does not'.

'I help whenever I'm not working but have told my wife she has to cover the overnights as I need sleep for work,' he wrote.

'She thinks it's unfair, however she can take two hour naps while they sleep while I can't do that at my job.'

The dad went on to say that the couple 'even have a nanny that was here four out of five work days this week'.

'I'm up early on the weekends and take care of them while she sleeps in. I'm not trying to get out of doing my part but AITA [am I the a**ehole]?,' he said.



  1. No you are not. Someone needs to be able to support the family financially. However if you suddenly start working late (overtime) it would appear you are dodging your duties. Just be considerate of your wife's needs. It is an adjustment for you both.

  2. She needs to step her game up. No he is not an a-hole. And she's got a nanny!

  3. God knew what he was doing when he made women the baby carriages. Men, just plain and simple, could not handle the task.

  4. about time someone had the balls to say it.

    good work

  5. My wife was a stay at home Mom for ten years with 3 kids. I worked all sorts of shifts. I did my job and she did hers. Mowed grass so we could have my one day off together. I got news for you, if his wife is a stay at home Mom, she needs to step up, and run that household period.

  6. 7:45 Typical bullshit statement which shows how obtuse and close minded you are, your statement shows you are a female who has a serious mental feminism disorder... This has nothing to do with your feminism thinking bullshit... This guy just wants equality and fairness, the same bullshit you females ALWAYS yak about!!!! All he wants is to sleep, while he has to work during the day while his wife whom DOES NOT WORK, AND HAS A GOD DAMN NANNY Helping 4 days out of the week... This man is doing more than most men do, he is making a paycheck, supporting 4 people, get that 4???? Helps around the house, helps with the new born's and for god sakes even lets the woman sleep in on the weekends...

  7. Having kids takes 2 people.....when the babies arrive though it should be a team effort. Yes the father is supporting the family financially, however he also needs to consider that if his Wife is staying home with the kids then that is her "job" per say. It is what she is contributing to the family. The role of mother to infants is a task that is difficult to put a price on.

    The father has a valid point if they are paying a Nanny to help out, however he needs to wake up to parent hood. Mothers go through an immense physical and hormonal change following pregnancy, and he needs to be a bit more empathetic to those changes.

    He needs to sit down with his wife and have a serious discussion, she is probably grateful that he helps out more on the weekends so she can sleep in but during the week tension may be heightened due to sleep deprivation.

    Raising kids is not just a work day task, it is a 24x7x365 role that takes patience, kind words, patience, encouragement, patience, HELP, patience, and LOVE.

    Spoil your kids and you will be raising your grandchildren, Raise your kids and you can spoil your grandchildren!!!!


  8. If he's smart he gets a hot nanny so he can hit that on the side

  9. When does he get a nap or to sleep in? Seem she is afford those luxuries but he is not. He needs a break......she seems to be getting them during the day and on weekends.

  10. I agree with the man. Mother's who do not work outside the home should be the caregiver for the babies and keeping the house running. Doesn't have to be spotless, just comfortable and healthy. If this is too much for her, she should try working AND doing all those things.


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