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Friday, April 26, 2019

Report: Green New Deal Would Have ‘No Effect’ on Climate

The Green New Deal would have essentially no effect on global warming, a new report argues, while imposing enormous economic and social costs.

The report, authored by the American Enterprise Institute's Benjamin Zycher, analyzes the likely impacts of the Green New Deal (GND) as outlined by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) in her proposed resolution calling for such a program. In Zeicher's account, the GND is a set of proposals (some more or less vague than others) designed to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. Doing so, proponents argue, would actually boost the economy through the jobs created.

This second goal of economic acceleration, Zycher writes, is a "‘broken windows‘ argument" depending as it does on the idea that destroying existing carbon-intensive capital goods would add to (rather than subtract from) the wealth in the economy.

"It is not to be taken seriously," he writes.



  1. The GND sucks because its nothing but an idea written in the nack of a paper napkin..likewise this "report" sucks even more. Simple drival written to fill space in a clearly partisam pilublication

  2. New green deal is scam with lies of lies.

  3. Humans won’t live on this planet in 2050

    The US Military is destroying the atmosphere and disrupting the hydrological cycle through weather warfare against the American population.

    Wake up folks.
    It is right there in front of your face!

    1. You got proof?. I doubt it. in a time where everything anybody does is recorded for Facebook, tmz, and the like, or being "whistle blown" I seriously doubt that a project of this scale could be done without somebody talking.

  4. 1:40
    Fully awake and appreciate your comment!


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