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Friday, April 26, 2019

'Biden's logo is a boob!' Former VP's campaign branding gets roasted

When Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign on Thursday, professional and amateur graphic designers tore his new logo apart on Twitter.

And while some criticized the typeface and colors, others snarked that parts of the design looked like parts of the female anatomy.

Among the 76-year-old former vice president's campaign hurdles is a series of accusations from women that he improperly touched them during public events.

That has earned him the derisive nickname 'Creepy Uncle Joe,' and his antagonists online wasted no time turning his campaign's treatment of his name – bold blue letters with three flag-like stripes replacing the letter 'E' – into something sexual.



  1. Yup, he is a unindicted pedophile.

  2. This the WRONG PIC it's a circle within a circle.

  3. He's a democrap boob

  4. A bad example of humanity

  5. Should say bite me.

  6. Delaware the Tratior state should be on the license plate.

  7. He's such a democrat. Just like every single other democrat he is a liar. He said on The View that what he was most proud of during the other liar ghetto hustler obama's admin was no scandals. What a liar. What about the IRS targeting, the hilary clinton farce of an investigation, Benghazi, the built on lies obamacare just for example. The problem is democrat voters are not good people and will excuse lies since they too are all liars. This coupled with only the incredibly low information and other ignoramuses vote democrat and the fact that democrats are not good moral people. Very uncivilized and primal. So the lies will continue and will be overlooked. Even spread.


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