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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Cardin on Pugh controversy: 'Baltimore needs leadership'

BALTIMORE —Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh will begin a third week of absence from City Hall on Monday after taking leave to recover from pneumonia.

U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin was guarded Sunday in his opinion of whether Pugh should step down.

"That's going to be up the people of Baltimore, it's up to Mayor Pugh. What I am focused on with the federal delegation is making sure that we do everything we can to help Baltimore," Cardin said.

Pugh remains on leave while under investigation for her business dealings selling children's books.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Didn’t know that getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar of political corruption could be described as pneumonia. The mayors arrogance and stupidity caught up to her. Her activities were obvious enough that even her low IQ constituents couldn’t overlook them.

  2. Cardin hasn't done squat to help Baltimore, only perpetuating its one-sided excuse for leadership while throwing billions in state and federal tax money in its general direction, most of which is unaccounted for in terms of positive results.

  3. Ben Cardin has never held a legitimate job in his entire life. No summer jobs as a teenager, no paper route, not even a lemonade stand. He was given his father's seat in the Maryland House of Delegates, then became a congressman, then a senator. He has lived off the taxpayers his whole life. You can google it!

  4. No leadership with any democrats so better start looking elsewhere.

  5. Shut the hell up Cardin!

  6. Cardin is right Baltimore needs leadership but they need a tough guy like President Trump or Rudy Giuliani to fix it definitely no democrats need apply

  7. Dems don't want to come out too strong against Pugh's criminal activities because she will spill the beans on them. And there are plenty of dirty beans to be told about.

  8. Maybe they should have auditions.


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