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Friday, March 15, 2019

While Black Women Are Killing Their Babies They’re Killing Their Future

I despise the very thought of abortion. While Hillary Clinton may believe that killing babies is “humane” and Obama believes that “Planned Parenthood does good work” and therefore deserves “God’s blessing” – I believe killing babies is satanic, murder and a black mark on mankind that will not be washed away save by the “Blood of Christ.”

I watch with disgust the demonic dilettantes who parade the streets of our cities, armed with signs that read: “keep your hands off my vagina.” They are too blinded by evil, to realize that “keeping hands off their vagina” is what those such as myself are advocating when we oppose baby-killing.

But typical of their crazed kind, their tortured minds are oblivious to the reality that keeping hands away from their vagina is in one key respect a good thing, because that would save the lives of unborn children.

The one thing however, that is never discussed is the cost abortion, i.e., baby-killing costs future generations and what it specifically costs black people as a demographic.



  1. When Planned Parenthood was conceived, it's intent was genocide of the black population - which clearly continues to this day!

    While abortion is murder in many eyes (including mine), prevention is a valid alternative (unless you are strict Catholics) that does not kill the child and is less stressful on the mother. Same end result - fewer babies born...and at a lower expense as prevention is significantly less expensive than the medical procedures.

  2. Do it and your conscience will catch up with you and you will probably regret it when you need it most

  3. It goes even much deeper than this all races need to address the real issues of being strong examples, going back to faith, and families holding tight not falling into the race issues we have centered on and politics but the real importance of treating one another with respect and raising our children to be good parents ,and real parents need to not be enablers but teachers in right and wrong.


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