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Friday, March 15, 2019

Back to the Sixties

Many Americans are shocked that socialism, which has been anathema to the vast majority throughout our history, has suddenly emerged as the guiding principle for most Democratic presidential candidates. How has this happened?

The seeds of todays’ socialist and conservative movements grew out of the 1960s — a time of turmoil, war protests, civil rights riots, assassinations and a clash of fundamental ideas about the role of government in organizing society.

Communism had been making great strides in Europe and the United States was in the crosshairs. A former FBI agent, W. Cleon Skouse, wrote an alarming book, “The Naked Communist,” outlining the Communist strategy to take over America. In 1963, Florida Congressman Albert Herlong Jr. inserted a list of 45 Communist goals from Clauson’s book into the Congressional Record. Today it reads like a checklist of the left.



  1. Was a Mormon most of my life till six years ago or so.

    So grew up and was in HS when he wrote that book. My dad bought it and loved it and all his other books.

    Looking back on it. Have to wonder was the book written as a blueprint of how to take over America. LDS are very evil at top levels. Their Temple Ceremony pledges to honor Lucifer though that is hidden to the members doing it. They just wear a green satanic apron and only in code language are they told it is symbolic of the Devil's Priesthoods. However they are taught how to use divination and many master it. Again they are fooled into it thinking instead they are helped by the Holy Ghost, not a demon who really does it. Helped to read scripture and other books and be given a truer meaning of what they read. So this happens from children to adults of the most active members.

  2. 412
    You might consider ANONYMOUS posting as a safety mechanism.
    Especially when writing the truth.

  3. That's the New flag after Marajuana is made legal !!! LOL


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