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Sunday, March 03, 2019

These Boys Were Killed In The First World War — Now The Supreme Court Must Decide If Their Cross-Shaped Memorial Can Stand

Just two days before Christmas, roughly 100 years ago, a family in Bladensburg, Maryland, received word from Washington informing them that their only son, John Henry Seaburn Jr., was killed in action on the fields in France.

Seaburn would later become one of 49 names of local boys etched into a pedestal holding up a gigantic 40-foot Celtic cross, which sits still today at the center of a roundabout in Bladensburg, Maryland.

That First World War veterans memorial — known as the Peace Cross — is the subject of landmark litigation concerning religion in public life. The Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday as to whether or not it violates the Constitution’s ban on religious favoritism.

Three local residents brought a lawsuit against the state parks commission that administers the memorial in 2014. They won a favorable judgment in the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.



  1. They BANNED Tommy Robinson from Facebook yesterday......paid for by SOROS.

  2. This is not right this country shouldn't change history for racists, and atheist believers If changes are to be made they should be done going forward not doing what a select group wants retroactively 100 years ago, it is just not respectful of the ones that gave their lives in service to this country. ALL LIVES MATTER.

  3. Leave Peace Cross alone!!! I'm sick and tired of a small group of loud complainers winning the day. Why do they want to destroy our history??!!! They are offended by everything. Well...they OFFEND me!!!

  4. 11:24 There are two reasons for why they do this!!!! it is to show you who is boss and that the courts will side with them, becasue that is how the current political climate is, if you don't like it as i said before many times, help stop it or change it...

    The second reason is to eliminate history... The democrats helped cause all of these problems and having statues and names on walls makes them remember and makes all of you remember what they did... So they know how stupid you all are and they know that once they are removed, you will forget abut it 3 days later and move on... then you will never know what happened in history to know it was the dems who help cause it all...

  5. As an Atheist and a veteran, I think that the cross should be left where it is and to symbolize what it does. If the cross brings some sort of satisfaction to those who have lost loved-one in war then so be it!! These groups that have a bone to pick with all things religious give all of us a bad name. What they are doing is no different than being a Democrat, imposing their viewpoint on everyone. I AM NOT offended by this monument.

  6. If Democrats want separation of church and state, then give back all of the sales-tax revenue generated from Christmas, Easter, St. Valentines Day, St. Patrick's Day sales. Quid pro quo!

  7. They can just knock the side things off and make it an obelisk, problem solved with minimum cost to the taxpayers

  8. civil war is coming.

  9. Sell the peace cross and the property to private owners and use the money to produce a historical documentary about WW1 That can and should be shown to all students in Maryland.

  10. EMBARRASSING. The ones who ate bitching about it wouldn't be a pimple on ANY WWI VETERANS ASS.

  11. After this, what comes next, removing the crosses at Arlington National Cemetery and all of the other cemeteries on public land?

    1. Then it's civil war time.

    2. You going to fight from your moms basement then?

  12. People, it should be civil war.

    It's REVOLUTION that we need.

    Hang EVERY politician ("your guy"), too. On TV.

    We started over before, we can do it again. And we won't have to spend any money memorializing all the atheists, either. Just throw them in a ditch and let them them decompose.
    Take THAT to the boot-licking, cross-dressing 9th Circuit.

    I KNOW that some atheist sissy bi**h has already copied and pasted THAT and sent it to the FBI.
    Want some?? I'm ALWAYS ready an willing to pass some out......

    1. 8:43- The stupidity of your comments are only surpassed in absurdity by your own ignorance. Sounds like you just want to murder a whole lot of people.

  13. 1:30pm
    The cross was built on private property. For what ever reason the state now owns the land. Maybe they took the land so they could build the road.


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