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Sunday, March 03, 2019

That Look...


  1. Is that egg on her face?
    And why do politicians keep bringing that up?! The litmus test to receive reparations should be a simple yes or no answer:
    Is your and your family's life better in America now than it would be if you still lived in your ancestral homeland?
    Yes: Shut up and salute our flag
    No: Here's a one-way ticket back. We'll even help pack your stuff and pay for the freight.
    You and I, nor anyone living, approve of slavery. And, we didn't enslave anyone, either. That's like saying that all of the Kennedy's should go to jail because their grandfather was a major bootlegger. It's not THEIR fault, so why should they pay for it.

  2. Her own father knows she is lying putrid trash. What is unfortunate is blacks will go out and vote for her in droves just because she is black. Blacks have historically voted stupidly because of the democrats who have kept them chained up and not allowed them to get a proper education. democrats have herded, corralled and kept blacks chained up in their crime ridden poverty stricken neighborhoods. democrats because they are against school choice force black children to attend substandard schools this to keep them dumb.

  3. She's just smelling herself. She always looks like she could use to practice some personal hygiene and a good shower.

  4. They know that they are starting to lose the black vote and are making desperate pleas to trick them once again.

  5. Gee, does that mean that the Irish people used as slaves in Jamacia and surrounding Islands and the US mostly Maryland and Virginia could seek repreation?

  6. Watch that interview.
    Her eyes and the way she looks down and to the left, closes her eyes, looks away when she answers, and gives such a general BS answer.
    ALL classic indications of lying.
    She KNOWS reparations will NEVER happen but is hoping to get some black folks believing that in addition to free housing, fee medical care, multiple checks each month for her kids on social security disability, free daycare, free schooling, they will also, if she is elected, get a fat check from the taxpayers.
    Have I ever mentioned HANGING each and every one of these leech bastids??
    Stop with the free stuff for all the poor picked on people who just can't seem to get anything right unless someone else white people) keeps GIVING them help.
    They should be ashamed.

    Keep cheering.

  7. Listen people, this is just another Pelosi. No difference between the two except one is white, one is black. Lying to the public is what they are all about so please do not listen to what they have to say, if their mouths are moving, they are lying. Just remember that!

    1. She's not black 9:23, here on the shore we call her High Yellow

  8. WHY isn't she being OUTED on this ?

  9. We cannot be responsible for the actions of those who came before us, right Kamala?

  10. Just another pathetic liar just like Hillary, Pelosi and the rest of them, they don't think when they act like they do all high and mighty there are always ways of finding out their true backgrounds, and remaining relatives anxious to out them. Before they criticize the Republicans and constantly since 2016 go against everything Trump tries or does, they don't even check records to see if they may have themselves or Obama during his too long reign have wanted some of the exact same things it's just a problem because he gets things done, not just blow smoke.


  11. Guess 60 Minutes will be sending a crew to her ancestral plantation for the expose.

    And her mother had to have been a child of privilege in India to be educated.

    Too bad the talented parents ended up with such a morally bankrupt daughter.

    Karma, not Kamala!

  12. Open mouth.....insert foot. Another inept female POS.

  13. Nice Dartboard !!!!

  14. If she weren't from an elite bloodline she wouldn't be there.
    True Dat


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