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Thursday, March 14, 2019

State Legislation Could Triple Offshore Wind Energy Capacity

OCEAN CITY — While it has been quiet for several months on the issue of offshore wind farms, a pair of bills circulating in the General Assembly could, if approved, essentially triple the capacity of wind energy off Maryland’s shores.

Since the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) in 2017 approved two offshore wind energy projects off the coast of Ocean City, town officials have been in a prolonged battle to have the two approved companies site their wind turbines as far as 26 nautical miles off the coast, or a distance believed to have the turbines not visible from the shoreline.

After considerable debate, one of the approved companies, US Wind, has acquiesced somewhat and agreed to place its turbines no closer than 17 miles from the resort’s coast, while a second project would site its turbines in a range of 17-21 miles offshore, or at the western edge of the state’s designated Wind Energy Area (WEA).



  1. Maryland you have a bunch of idiots running your state. It's amazing what a bribe will get you

  2. As is normal, make it a Government SUBSIDIZED activity and it will appear more profitable just like solar.

  3. “Round two” going for approval before “round one” is even built. Who is surprised? Better yet, who is going to be surprised when this ends up costing all of us far more than $2 month on our electric bill.

    Honestly, if it’s such a great idea why do the sellers of it have to lie?

  4. Now that's what I'm talking about

  5. 7:07, if it's such a great idea, why don't they build it with their own money and sell the power for their own profit and leave our money in our pockets to invest the way we want to?


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