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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Obama DOJ Told FBI Not To Charge Hillary, Lisa Page Reveals What The 'Insurance Policy' Was

House Judiciary Committee members released the transcript of former FBI lawyer Lisa Page's testimony in front of the committee last year and it contained several major revelations.

One of the biggest revelations was that Page, who was having an affair with then-FBI agent Peter Strzok, said that the infamous "insurance policy" text message was referring to the Russia investigation.

"During her interview with the Judiciary Committee in July 2018, Page was questioned at length about that text — and essentially confirmed this referred to the Russia investigation while explaining that officials were proceeding with caution, concerned about the implications of the case while not wanting to go at 'total breakneck speed' and risk burning sources as they presumed Trump wouldn't be elected anyway," Fox News reported. "Further, she confirmed investigators only had a 'paucity' of evidence at the start."



  1. DOJ BARR what u going to do ?????

  2. so all of you who think these consprisy theorist wear tin foil hats..WHAM!!!. Read hinden dangers of the rainbow,dark majesty, none dare call it treason..the swamp (luciferians) has been in charge running and selling us out for decades..wake up!!! republican democrats are a frigging joke its all theater. they have an agenda and its an evil Godless agenda and its not just here this is a global problem.

    1. Shut up Hillary we are coming for u.

  3. Take all those involved all their TAX PAYER benefits they receive including their pensions and prosecute them. These coverups are also violations of National Security of the US. Bunch of Democrat crooks.

  4. Justice is coming. Be patient.

  5. So hard to be patient for something, anything, to happen to these crooks. Just how long do we all have to wait. It's time for action.

  6. When can we start marching these thieves off to prison?

  7. Shocked that Page is still alive!

  8. If Hillary is Not charged , then there is no justice !!!!

    & this country has gone to Hell !!! What a sham !!!


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