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Thursday, March 07, 2019

Somali Gangs Battle in Minneapolis; Somalis Demand That Cops Do Something

Let's start by stipulating that not every newcomer to America is a violent criminal bringing old ethnic and religious conflicts to the New World; nor is he a predatory opportunist, happy to take advantage of the stable, trusting, and yes, welcoming culture he finds. Every country has its social customs and unwritten rules, and often newcomers misinterpret them as weakness.

When the Catholic Irish arrived in large number from the middle of the 19th century on, they brought with them a deep suspicion of the police, a distrust of the Protestant ascendancy, and a pent-up willingness to work the system to their advantage -- cultural survival skills they had learned during nearly a millennium of English occupation of their home country. It took them more than a full century to fully integrate into American society. Swaths of American cities, especially New York, had Irish no-go zones, into which even the Irish cops feared to tread, and even today we remember the names of the psychopath Mad Dog Coll and the suave but violent Owney Madden, chief of the Gopher Gang, who gave the world Mae West, Primo Carnera, the Cotton Club and Bill Clinton.



  1. Thank you Obama for seeding the United States with hundreds of thousands Muslims!!

  2. They should go back to Somalia if they want to battle in the streets! Like my favorite talk-radio host (Andrew Wilkow) is prone to saying "if you keep bringing there, here. Eventually here becomes there"!

  3. If they can't behave, Mogadishu seems like a good place to send them.

  4. This is just the BEGINNING

  5. Years ago when cops TRIED they bitched about the Cops.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I’m glad that Lutheran Services and Catholic charities benefited financially from this fiasco. Probably also made them feel good about themselves with the virtue signaling from resettling a hostile and unassimilatable culture in the middle of a highly civilized culture made up of Western European stock. Sad that Marxist democrats can reap such destruction and get away with it. They never consider the unintended consequences of their actions. Unless this result is intended to destroy our culture? Probably!

  7. Send them to GITMO.

  8. Civil War has begun. Obama want this and he is getting his wish. Allowing Muslims in our Congress is their foothold for taking over America


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