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Thursday, March 07, 2019

2020 Democrats normalize anti-Semitism by defending Ilhan Omar

Democrats seeking the party's 2020 presidential nomination are starting to come out in defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar, and in the process, they are normalizing anti-Semitism.

Leading Democratic candidates Sens. Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren have all come out defending Omar and pointing fingers at her critics, despite a series of statements she has made targeting American Jews.

Omar has been unrepentant over statements she made lamenting the influence of Jewish money in politics and questioning whether Jews were more loyal to Israel than America. The bigoted statements perpetuated classic anti-Semitic stereotypes, but that is now what's considered acceptable in the Democratic Party— as long as it gets subsequently laundered as mere criticism of Israel.



  1. Democrats are commies and racists

  2. looks like if the Democrats get their way in 2020 the US will be dropping Israel from our friends list

  3. The RNC should take advantage of the dumbocrat politicians' intolerance!
    publicize the fact that they are against certain groups of people while inviting law-breakers to come and stay in our country - all for the sake of future votes!

  4. Folks it's not like she is a congresswoman sitting on a committee with access to classified information on Israel! Stop complaining and vote democrat or ELSE.

  5. Their Damn bunch is just as Bad as her esp Pelosi !!!!

    Deport them ALL Do America a Big Favor !!!!!!

  6. 11:40. What the he-- are you on. You must be dumb as a rock

  7. 2020 Democrats normalize anti-Semitism by defending Ilhan Omar


    Unless it's a white Republican.


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