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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Question Of The Day 3-8-19


  1. Along with his tax returns.

    1. Can’t release the tax returns. Can’t find them. I think they are in the same pile with Obama’s college transcripts and birth certificate 🙄

  2. and the full details of their actions.

  3. without a doubt he should

  4. 10:42. And obamas real birth certificate

  5. @10;42

    Same time Obama releases his birth certificate, college transcripts, and the other things he is hiding!

  6. We should know where OUR MONEY is going !!!
    If they pay with their own money it’s not my business.

  7. Yes and the year and amount paid for each.

  8. Heck no, I don't care who they are. Just fire them, put them working for Pat and Turner. I don't care about the taxes of out president. All I care is he is doing and great job and a great job it is. His taxes are no of my business or anyone else's.You noisy people that want to see them, for what? Do you want us to look at yours? I don't want to see them if you post them.

  9. It's the taxpayers right !

  10. YES and all Politians must submit theirs to show how much they owe in back taxes

  11. 10:42 There is NO requirement that a President show his tax returns and the democrats know this. They just keep harping on it so the dumb peon democrat voters like yourself repeat it. If you people had a drop of honest blood in your bodies you would have demanded to see obama's birth certificate proving he was a US citizen. He finally showed something but who knows since obama's mother was a low class trashy slut and herself probably doesn't know who his father really was.

    1. 11:54 I couldn’t agree more. Too bad 10:42 can’t think for himself🤦‍♀️

  12. And it goes both ways there 10:42 too

  13. Names WITH home addresses. I'm a taxpayer!

  14. Don't care - if not on my dime.

  15. It's absolutely amazing the swamp covers this stuff up.

  16. absolutely yes. We want names and all the details of those suits. If they pay out of their own pockets then its not our business but since they are paying with our money we have a right to know. We also have a right to know the details because depending on what happened maybe they shouldn't even be a representative. As far as tax returns there is no requirement for any of them to show them. If the President has to show his then any other representative should have to show theirs to. Anybody that is running for President should have to supply ample documentation that they are American born and show if they are qualified to run for that position. Maybe those tax returns and transcripts and birth certificate got emailed to Hillary and got destroyed in those thousands of emails.

  17. @ March 8, 2019 at 11:23 AM. Accused of sexual harassment and it's none of your business? Really? Plus they did use OUR money. It's a proven fact.

  18. Tax returns mean nothing.

  19. Make each one pay his own fines and hush money. Why should we pay that?


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