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Sunday, March 10, 2019

House votes in favor of illegal immigrant voting

House Democrats voted Friday to defend localities that allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections, turning back a GOP attempt to discourage the practice.

The vote marks a stunning reversal from just six months ago, when the chamber — then under GOP control — voted to decry illegal immigrant voting.

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues as he led opposition to the GOP measure.



  1. this is treason an enemy from within that must be stopped starting with elected officals who are active in destroying our nation

  2. It's time someone looks at the CONSTITUTION very carefully. This is absolutely necessary action to stop these ASININE democrats. Someone is getting money to do this CRAP. It's a house of cards and when the Republicans grow a pair we can bring it down once and for ALL.

  3. So for 2+ years we have spent God knows what investigating Trumps "Russian interference" and now they vote to let foreigners interfere in our elections.

  4. We have known their intentions for years. Illegals are just future democrats. My listeners, it is so clear to those with their Mind's Eyes focused through the cosmic clutter and distortions laid forth by the New World Order. Since the Kenyan-in-Chief's confiscation of the years 2008-2016, we have seen through the illusions placed before our eyes by the NWO's minions- Democrats, weak Republicans, and the United Nations/European Union alliance of destruction. Great Britain, in its wisdom, said no to the NWO's faceless beurocrats in Brussels. It may be too late, however, since the their government flooded them with Muslim hordes for years. We, the People of these United States, rejected Hillary (claimed by some to be an implanted clone) and elected President Donald J Trump, a patriot of the finest type. The apple cart was rocked, my wanderers. The result was mass delusion and hysteria by the Maoists and Leftists, not to mention the subtle obfuscation by the Never-Trumpers. You see the great undermining of democracy put forth in the guise of "tolerance." Why the BRAIN Initiative? Why Obama's intentional, racist policies destroying our schools? What is their end game?

    What do they have in store for you?

    1. 7:41- We are not "your" listeners. We are not "your" wanderers. This is Joe's site. I get your message, but its delivery is just plain stupid. Sorry, Jim Jones

    2. Agree. It won't stop. Person is an idiot.

    3. 3:10- I know. It won't stop, Ageed, he is a idiot. At least he now isn't creepily calling every one his "sweet one's".

      As Stan Lee said, he did too many drugs in the 60's and now he's paying for it.

  5. President Trump needs to call a National Emergency to start defending The Constitution of the United States against these political terrorists!!!!

  6. One world government just a world depression away and elites can't wait.

  7. then, apparently, there's no need for an age qualification.

  8. What Democrats want is a one party system of government and they will lie, cheat and even murder to get it. That's why they hate Trump, because he tells it like it is.

  9. Absentee ballets for the illegals who haven’t arrived here yet!!!!


  11. Sorry won't pass the SENATE.

  12. This is the game plan of George Soros and his kind....the destruction of the United States of America....the republicans must be part of it as well since they allow this to continue on

  13. the reason for this. Next goal is to get rid of the Electoral college and they want elections won by popular vote. These illegals will help give them the popular vote to win these elections. Its unConstitutional but that has not stopped them thus far. If the Electoral college is done away with we will NO longer get a vote or a say as to whom becomes President. It will all be determined by large States and large counties like California. Think long and hard before you would ever agree with that. The Democrats always want to scream voter suppression but this will do exactly that. Your vote will no longer matter. Our founding fathers knew all of this would one day return for they were visionaries. Thats why they wrote the Constitution and gave us our rights. Do not sit back and let your rights be infringed on. That very important document is what guarantees you your rights. Don't let them trample on it.

    1. 10:44- No sh!t, Sherlock. How many times are you going to copy and paste your middle school knowledge of the election process, that everyone here already knows? Joe's readers are not that ignorant! You're AGAIN just coasting on Joe's coattails, so just stop! You're are insulting our intelligence thinking your explanation helps all of Joe's "idiot" followers. You're more ignorant thinking that we don't know any of that already! You come off as an arrogant Ass. There's enough of you already to pay attention to.


    1. Starting with Congress.

    2. 12:09-How many times are you going to post the same comment? Are you a Russian Bot?

  15. It is beyond comprehension. There is complete hate destroying America. These elected officials Steve supposed to be educated - no common sense.

  16. John Lewis is a braindead, anti-white, anti-Trump racist black man from the Selma era. Too damn dumb and old to serve.

  17. But the Democrats are worried about foreign influence in the past election and now want all foreigners to vote in elections. Sure...What if the foreigners vote Republican?

    1. 4:15-They won't vote Republican. That's why they, Democrats, want illegals. Illegals should not have voting rights. You fail to realize the issue here. Appears you're just as clueless as millennial socialists.

  18. It's not civil war your talking about. It's a revolutionary war. The constitution Grant's the right to the people to abolish the goverment to start a new one based on the fundamentals of the constitution. Step one. Do away with Congress. Elect people that actually represent the people. Set term limits. American and america first always. Have a plan people. We are under attack politically, financially, phocolgocly, and physically

    1. republicans sat on their hands and did nothing. Lost the house and now getting jammed. 4 or 5 warriors in the Republican Party the rest are sold out wimps. Sad. Democrats are lock step radicals but they are moving.

  19. Is there ANY country in the world that allows non-citizens to vote -- let alone non-citizens who have criminally entered or remained in the country??

  20. No other country on the face of this earth allows this. There is a reason.

  21. Pelosi won't even use the word immigrants any longer. Refers to them as "newcomers".


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