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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Plan B for rebel Republicans: Wound Trump so he'll lose to a Democrat in general election

President Trump’s antagonists inside the Republican Party now have a fallback plan to scuttle his re-election: using the 2020 primary fight as a bludgeon to inflict irreparable political damage on him in the November general election.

The "Never Trump" movement’s preferred strategy is to recruit a formidable Republican who might block the president’s renomination, or at least mount an aggressive challenge that presses him all the way to the convention in Charlotte set for late summer next year. Efforts are underway to woo Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland and other top Republicans uneasy with Trump.

Short of that, key renegade Republicans are preparing to settle for Plan B: mortally wound him.

“For a number of people I’ve spoken to, putting a torpedo into Trump’s operation would suffice for them — if they could mortally wound him in a primary,” said a Republican insider involved in the effort.



  1. Hogan is dangerous and useless. period

  2. What happened to our Larry, I guess if you sleep with the dogs in Annapolis, you get bit by their fleas. Alas.

  3. larry your a true POS and it WONT BE FORGOTTEN.

  4. Hogan๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. They had better leave him alone! They will lose bigly!We need a Trump Party --call it the Patriot party as the American people are fed up with rinos and demonrats

  6. hogan has never been a republician

  7. that's a done headed move. Please stay out of this fight larry as you do not have a horse in this race.

  8. damage trump in whose mind, does anybody really think there are many out there that are not on one side or the other, the question is can the progressives steal the election

  9. A Colin Powell/Larry Hogan ticket would be AWESOME for this country!

    Bring back common sense leadership and get the loons and buffoons from both sides out of the way.

    1. Where's the common sense there ?

  10. Hogan is nothing but a fat pig who has a very high opinion of himself

  11. Jump right in Larry! Can't wait for Trump's nicknames for you. "Humpty Hogan", "Bulk Hogan", "RINOSOROS"...

  12. They are the Republican members of the "shadow government" or as it is being called now the "Deep State". The Democrats and their rogue Republican traitors is leading this Country down the same path as Nazi Germany took. Look at the facts and you will see History repeating itself.

  13. 3:19 pm, has it right, he's always been a RINO POS.

  14. IF Larry wants to safe face I hope he VETOS the rifle/shotgun regulation other than that he has NO shot in hell running for president.

    1. 5:37 won't happen, hogan is a RINO POS

  15. It amazes me how this guy and his leftest views slipped by us. As they say a leopard always shows his spots. Sad.

  16. Go away hogan
    You have shone your true colors
    The gig is up
    Everyone now sees who your are

  17. Wounding yourself Hogan.

  18. shame shame shame on you traitors to your party country and citizens. you WILL BE DISAPPOINTED AGAIN IN 2020 MAGA..NO more support from me. i am trying to leave this sick state but its not soon enough

  19. Larry, I voted for you over a democrat, but you might as well be one. Stand by our president Stand as a traitor of those who voted for you. Despicable behavior.

  20. Traitor Hogan deserves his cancer back!

    1. It's very hard for me to say this after losing family members to cancer, but you are correct 8:27. Just be patient


  21. Governor needs to be working for Marylanders 24/7 and to leave distractions behind.

    If he works diligently he could cause trouble for Van Hollen in 2020. That would be a win-win.

    I am appreciative of the challenges he faces in Annapolis, and of the feat he accomplished by being elected, and re-elected.

  22. very disappointed in hogan.

  23. The Governor used the excuse of needing to get re-elected before addressing any of Md. gun laws penalizing law abiding Md. citizens such as current conceal carry law. He has no excuse now, other than he is demonstrating that he has never been on the side of law abiding citizens regarding second amendment rights. We are left with nothing else to believe, that in addition to being a “RINO”, he is also a liar.

  24. The only reason hogan was re elected was because he was the better of two bad options. If he had anyone running against him other than Ben jealous he would have lost

  25. Hogan and Anderton started out as Republicans and turned into Democrats.

  26. Hogan's biggest accomplishment is lowering the toll at the bridge.

  27. Trump has no fear of being over taken by you Hogan. Maybe he could try out for a re-run of Hogans Heroes.

  28. Hogan is a day dream believer, the only job he could do is a rerun of Hogans Heroes.


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