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Sunday, March 03, 2019

People Can't Flee These US Cities Fast Enough: Salisbury Maryland

12. Salisbury, Maryland

Salisbury, on Maryland's Eastern Shore, is making a name for itself in the microbrewery scene — but the city’s already got a reputation, and not a good one.

Violent and property crime rates are twice the national average. Public schools are terrible, the real estate market is stagnant, incomes are low and good jobs are hard to find.

Although Salisbury’s unemployment and crime numbers are slowly improving, many people have apparently decided the wait just isn’t worth it.



  1. These are all very large cities and then you see Salisbury MD.

  2. Yeah, we got beer... but these days who doesn't?

  3. Salisbury has become nothing more than a welfare liberal socialist slum. It's hilarious to watch the city administration and employees continue day to day business as usual while the city crumbles around them

    1. Thank Jake Ireton and slum Cannon.

  4. Hopefully they're talking about the 3 inner city schools!

  5. Well this should be sent to Annapolis, Washington, both county and city council. They do such a banged up job. Maybe because they have SOOOOO unqualified employees on both. For example. They promoted that USELESS POS Cory at the water plant. No wonder we are having WATER issues AGAIN. IT WAS FIXED 5 year's ago.

  6. The schools are a Wicomico County responsibility.

  7. FIRE Jake Fake DAY.

  8. It has to be HIGHER SINCE Jake and Barbara Dunce can have been fudging crime stats for tears THINK ABOUT IT ?

  9. I find it funny that were are just behind Detroit!!!

    I think its bad from Dorchester County on down.

    The Eastern Shore is in a depression.
    Manufacturing jobs are now gone and all that is left are
    service and minimum wage jobs that don't pay much of
    a living wage.

    If you have a good job, I think it can be
    paradise here. My only saving grace is my home is now paid off
    and I am still employed, but not making as as much as I did
    in the past before my job was outsourced to India.

    I plan to hang in there until I retire and then move south with my friends who have already done so to North Carolina or Florida.

    I still like it here. They winters really are not that bad, and there is still some countryside left for outdoor sports and and fishing.

    I have my home and a nice backyard for cookouts with friends.
    I think that is what counts no matter where you live.

  10. I moved from the area over a decade ago, and have never regretted it. I feel badly for those who are stuck in circumstances that prevent them from moving. There was a time about 25-30 years to go,that the area wasn't bad, but there has just been a steady decline with no end in sight. Unfortunately, compared to other urban areas, there are not many alternatives given the local economics with many surrounding areas just as bad. Ocean Pines is terrific (but expensive)with very little crime and a very vibrant and active community with lots to do for families, singles and seniors within about 10 minutes travel - West OC is making a real comeback to offset the mess going on in lower OC (below 56th) - if you can afford it, the north end of OC, Bethany Beach and that immediate area is terrific....if you can afford it...

  11. Anyone that has made anything for themselves either left here and came back or comes from income from elsewhere and those that have made out here don't smell that great these days.

    1. We'll put. That's why we moved to Florida.

  12. The problem is the ECI inmates once released don't have enough $ to go back to Baltimore so they go to Salisbury and make it Baltimore

    1. Not even close to an intelligent response 6:28

  13. Just look at Bennett and the crime! It is so nice to have people like Allen Mitchell and Amy Eskridge responsible for your children.

  14. I agree with 3:09

    In the last thirty years the manufacturing jobs have been lost. Bring those back and this area has plenty to offer.

  15. Couldn't be more spot on,thankfully Delaware is close.

  16. Area sucks for jobs !!! Have lived here 62 years to prove it

    Poor impoverished area & will be for along time still to come

    Only suitable for those who already have $$$ & those
    retirees from all over who come here bringing their $$
    with them .

    Most folks will have a hard life here, take it from one who
    knows from experience Fact !!

    Smart ones Do move the hell put of here after High School !!!! Fact

  17. Salisbury and Wicomico could’ve wonderful again if we’d all just step up. What that means is demand better and be willing to be part of the change we want to see. The likes of Barrie Tilghman, Oregon, Day Comegys, Boda, Cannon have made running for and holding public office unpleasant for honest folk. We need to be willing not to just vote, but run and hold office. Then, we have the power to rebuild an effective police force, run thugs out, attract good jobs, and take our city and county back. Just like DC, draining the swamp isn’t for sissies.

    1. lawyers & liberals, just saying

  18. But I thought "it's happening".....

  19. " Anonymous said...

    The schools are a Wicomico County responsibility.

    February 28, 2019 at 2:43 PM"

    They may be a county problem but many of the students are from Salisbury and those are the ones who are making the schools so bad. Yes there are a few pockets where Sby is nice but most of sby is pure ghetto. You can't go into one store in sby and not look around and see thugs. The mall is thug land. All prancing around not one with a bag in their hand. Only there looking for trouble.


  20. There are many continuing areas for improvement here; that's a fact. But since the city and county population have continued to increase some of the language bandied about in the article is suspect.

    1. What type of people are coming here?? Not law abiding. Most are students at SU. Hence SU wanting to build more section 8 for students. They make money up front yet we have to pay for years after. So your facts are suspect.

  21. The beer here sucks

    1. Stick with commercial brand 4:04
      No need to try to impress someone by drinking craft beer

  22. Thank goodness we all don’t l live in Wilmington, Delaware.

  23. 4:04
    The beer here does really suck. Just like the rest of Salisbury.

  24. The jobs are being taken by the damn illegals. There are more and more of them coming every year. Lured by the damn employers around here hiring them. Such as landscapers and roofers and construction companies. Lousy employers need to be arrested. I am getting as much information about them as I can, including video to give to the authorities when they come for them. And they will.

    1. 100% correct 4:23, cheap labor, no illegal is going to report his employer for not following labor laws

  25. But they didn't bother to mention the Fulk Festival or how they are wasting millions on the downtown !

  26. it's called an education, get off your asses, quit complaining and get to work, making not only your life along with your family's lives better and possibly your community's lives! If you have no work, or you hate your job or you live in a sh!tty area or send your kids to the worst schools it's your fault not anyone else's! You have the ability to change all that! this aint communist china (yet) so get to work or stfu!
    easy peasy!

  27. Years of Democrat rule and slumlords is the reason.

  28. 4:23 You are are an idiot. The reason some are hiring immigrants is because they actually work. The dont call out sick on Fridays and Mondays. They do not talk all day on their cell phones and well let's face it the snowflakes are too caught up in liberal bullshit to work anything that requires manual labor. You and 10:13 are cut from the same cloth. Name one job you did not get because an immigrant took your spot. I guarantee you can not do it. They do all the work you soft handed cry babies whine about. I may not agree how they enter this country but one thing for sure is they work and work hard. Americans have become lazy due to the welfare system. The crops would never get out of the fields if we relied on Americans to do the job. The fact is they come here hungry and they have been in plight for so long they see the real beauty of this country. The problem is democrats and liberals period

  29. March 1, 2019 at 7:55 PM
    quiet everyone, the village idiot is speaking.

  30. Salisbury is now and has been since our Mayor Jake (Barney Fife)entered the picture and our SPD Chief Duncan (Calamity Jane). There is no post anymore of the SPD Calls for Service, they don't want you to know the number, no longer a list of the Slum Lords and their houses listed, no real figure on murders, forced entry break-ins, rapes and drug arrests, it might frighten you. It is worse than the 71 years I have lived here. But we're primping up for our 2nd Folk Festival even after the last was a huge failure, pictures proved that, and the remarks of the so called crowd. GET ON THE REAL TRAIN YOU HAVE MADE SALISBURY A FAILURE BY YOUR ACTIONS. And before anyone says about voting, you can't make a difference when they run unopposed!

  31. Too many stinking chicken houses here .....had to Go !!!!!

  32. March 3, 2019 at 1:55 PM

    spoken like a true snowflake! I take it you have spent years advancing your career, maybe even some post secondary education? possibly even advanced degrees that you spent money on to better your lot in life? right!
    you sit in mommy's basement and type away!
    no help for folks like you who won't man up! pu$$y! it's everyone else's fault I aint got a pot to piss in?

  33. Ha Ha Ha ..while the younger generation doesn't want to work ..I've made that work to My advantage ! I'm older and can work all he hours I want !! Employer needs me! And wants me ! BECAUSE I will actually show up and work !

  34. It would be an incentive for businesses if the railroad was utilized more for industry and not bike paths. We have plenty of accessible rail locations away from homes and all we get are bike paths from SU to a bar.

  35. And just WHO are committing the majority of those violent crimes,the property crimes. WHO is it that are making the public schools terrible? Then there are the jobs? How many jobs would there be if it was not for the scum bag employers who hire illegals to do the work, so the employer can put more money is his pocket? These are the people ruining Salisbury.

  36. @February 28, 2019 at 10:25. I think your wrong. I am in the mall every single day and most of the thugs I see have two three bags full of boxes of shoes. I wonder where they get the money to buy them since shoes are at a very minimum are $100.00. I see some with 3 bags and two boxes of shoes in each one. So you're talking about at least 600.00. Why so many shoes? And the female thugs are walking around with their little Bath and Body Works/ White Barn bags and stuffing their face with those pretzel bites. When I see the bags of shoes I know the checks went out. And then the female cows start showing up walking around trying to decide what to spend their money on other than the food they wolf down. You can see the pattern. One week it's full of em and then hardly any. Next month the same thing. And they all have children with them. Even on school days. Must be a lot of absent black kids in school all the time. Just saying what I observe.

  37. Crops? What crops. All the farmers around here grow is animal food. I may see watermelons some time, but that's it. And how do you think they got out of the fields before those damn illegals showed up? Explain that one, numb nuts. Plus their work sucks. The company I worked for had to go behind them on construction sites and fix what they screwed up. I applied at a construction site and was told the opening were filled. All I saw were those illegals standing behind that fool that hired them. Your pissed because your most likely one of those a-holes that hire illegals. They work because they are expected to work their azz off by employers and they know it and are afraid to say anything. They come here because of MORE money, not hunger. They have jobs back in their country. How else would they feed their families? When have you seen an illegal come here that looks like he/she was starved to death? They all look well fed, the men, the women and their kids. So back off with your drivel. You had better not be one of those employers. If you are, know this. We will come for you and you will pay for your crime. And I hope it's a lot of prison time. What are you, a roofer?

  38. @ March 4,2019 at 8:26 AM. Until some illegal shows up and tells your boss he will work for less. Does not matter if the illegal scum bag is as good as you or not, as long as he will work long hours and take less money. Those employers are nothing more than scum that do not care about Americans. They care about their wallets.


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