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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Hogan Solicits Obama’s Help on Redistricting

Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R) is hoping to enlist the support of two high-profile Democrats — including former President Barack Obama — in his push to bring nonpartisan redistricting to Maryland.

With the “emergency commission” that he created last year poised to release a proposed congressional map that the state could use in 2020, Hogan is asking Obama and former U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., to throw their weight behind his efforts.

The two men are co-founders of the Washington, D.C.-based National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

The NDRC’s website claims that “Republicans have rigged our elections by gerrymandering districts all across the country. This unfair advantage is making it harder for Democrats to fight climate change, pass gun control, and ensure access to health care for everyone.”



  1. Hogan is a f------joke. Just like Obama. Shows his true colors on this one

  2. HAA, HAA, HAA, HAA, HAA, Oh GOD, that’s just perfect. HAA, HAA, HAA, HAA

  3. our gov has gone off the deep end. Sure can tell hes going to run as a demoCRAP in the future

  4. What?!!!

  5. Hogan has gone crazy and showing his true Democrat policies. The asinine O'Malley a Democrat did the illegal redistricting before which cutup the districts that favored the Democrats and destroyed any chance for a Republican to be elected in large sections of MD. Hogan why do you not get Republicans involved in stead of partisan Democrats? Hogan is taking another step in destroying Maryland.


  7. I have only one comment - watch out Eastern Shore voters. Those two spell trouble and it will probably involve he Eastern Shore🙄

  8. This is absolutely amazing. Especially Holder, who has pretty openly said what he is all about-- rigging elections for democrats.

    Hogan has apparently gone over the edge mentally.

  9. This is ludicrous. Obama & Holder are biased Democrats.

  10. Peel back the Rep mask and what do you get? A DEMON CRAT.

  11. Would someone from across the Bay remind the Maryland Idiot what the "R" after his name stands for. He definitely has no clue.

  12. Just as Trump shows “respect” for little rocket man and other leaders to attempt to make a deal, Hogan is engaging the opposition in order to strike a deal. This is not just politics folks, it’s deal making 101


  13. Obama & Holder should be making license plates in confinement.

    That said, could be a crafty move despite our antipathy towards them. The Deathocrats in A'polis can't ignore any input that might actually result in a more favorable redistricting.

    I'm a strong believer that districts should follow political boundaries, especially for House seats. IOW, all of a county should have the same representative, to the greatest extent possible. But not terribly optimistic.

  14. Good for Gov Hoagan. I like seeing the Bipartisan encouragement. He has a plan and reason I’m sure. Have some faith!

  15. Is this fake news?Hogan must be smoking crack.

  16. DUMB AND DUMBER. Well that just sealed fatboy fate.

  17. 9:18 you left off a few letters: POS

  18. Why would anyone trust Obama to do anything? He is a lying snake.

  19. One only need look at the voting districts in Maryland to see the gerrymandering results of the Democrats, from Baltimore to the Virginia line.

  20. Wish now that I had voted for Ben jealous. At least I would have known what I would be getting

  21. The fact that the little fat RINO would even consider talking to the Fast and Furious Traitor just pisses me off. You know, Fast and Furious, the racist black attorney general that gave guns to the Mexican Cartel. The same American guns that killed and American Border Patrol Officer. That's right RINO Larry is conspiring with a murdering Traitor! That fat RINO needs to go to HELL!! He doesn't represent me as a Republican or a Catholic.

    Shame on the Republican Party and Dierk Haire for not putting up a real Republican to run against RINO Larry. The only thing Dierk Haire focused on was helping his wife get elected to the Anne Arundel County Council. Funny how she is he only "Republican" who won a county race. Thanks Dierk!

    This Republican Party is the enemy just like the Democrats are.

  22. Joe you should challenge him in the primary!


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