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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Fruitland Police Officer in need of your help!


  1. The same cops that bust balls 24/7.

  2. Why does he need $$$$ they have full medical.

  3. He's a new officer, probably not off probation with most likely next to no leave time available. Once any accrued and donated leave expires, if he has no expectation of a timely return he may be without medical insurance at all and out of a job. That's most likely why support is being asked for.

  4. 9:31 - I know from personal experience that, yes, the insurance will cover the medical costs but there are medical related expensive involved such as the gas to go back and forth, extra food dictated by his oncologist, paying for motel rooms if required, lost wages if they have no sick leave saved up, and a lot of little things that add up to really hurt a family budget. No one is looking to make a buck off this. I am a 7 year stage four cancer survivor and had a couple of hundred dollars donated to me so I am appreciative of all those who help. Not trying to disrespect you but that man needs prayers and support instead of questions about this financial situation.

  5. It certainly is exhausting, everyone begging for money.

  6. We need less Fruitland pigs

    1. 12:56. Your a sick sick person.

  7. This officer pulled me over a couple of weeks ago.

    He was totally professional during the entire stop. Gave me a warning instead of a repair order and, I appreciated that.

    I hope everything works out for him.

  8. I am not a fan of Fruitland cops. I'm sorry he's sick, but the way some members of my family have been treated by Fruitland cops does not motivate me to give any financial assistance.

    1. Perhaps you focus your energy on teaching your family how to obey the laws...

  9. Y'all better donate! If not tickets and fines are going way up!

  10. 2:41 Are you motivated to help a young man whose life has barely begun fight a life threatening disease, or you can't see past his career to be a decent human? You're a sad excuse for a person!

  11. Our school teacher told us if you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all. Thank you Elizabeth Warren....R.I.P. I have tried to remember and go by that. It is sometimes difficult when you have a opinion. This young man has the guts to put on a uniform (some commenting don't) or want to and didn't make the grade. Prayers for this young man are in order and requested.

  12. @ February 28, 2019 at 9:13 AM. If you commit a crime. yeah. And morons like you would be the first one to call them if someone hurt you or a member of your family. Go somewhere else with your drivel, fool.

  13. @February 28, 2019 at 12:56 PM. That's better than being an asshole like you. Punk. Sorry Joe.

  14. I can not believe what I am reading from some of these comments. I just got diagnosed with cancer and let me tell you it is not FREE. Going back and forth to John Hopkins is financially a burden on the family as well as having to take care of everyday life. It is so sad that people have gotten so hateful to not care anymore. God Bless this young man. God be with him at this time.


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