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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Cummings: Cohen not in trouble for misleading committee

The Democrat chairman of the House Oversight Committee said Wednesday that he will not attempt to punish Michael Cohen for misleading the committee last month when he claimed he’d never asked President Trump for a pardon.

Rep. Elijah Cummings said Cohen, Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer, has since clarified through his own lawyer that his testimony “could have been clearer.”

Cohen now says he was only referring to a specific period of time in his testimony, according to a letter from his lawyer.

The Maryland Democrat said that was good enough to get Cohen off the hook. He could have faced prosecution for lying to Congress.

“Our practice on this committee is to give witnesses an opportunity to clarify their testimony, and that is what Mr. Cohen has done,” Mr. Cummings said. “I do not see the need for further action — at least at this time.”

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  1. Typical lying Democrat who refuses to carry out his responsibilities. Just proves the Democrat policy on punishing only Trump people and not Democrats or lying snitches.

  2. Of course not. Cummings is a lying POS just like Cohen.

  3. Cummings is a low IQ individual.


  4. Executive summary: He's our liar now and was telling us the lies we wanted to hear.


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