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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Ban on Welfare-Dependent Immigration to U.S. Expected This Year

A federal regulation to ensure that legal immigrants who are a public burden on American taxpayers are not allowed to permanently resettle in the U.S. is expected sometime this year, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officials tell Breitbart News.

The Trump administration legal immigration reform, known as the “public charge rule,” has been weighed by USCIS since the fall of last year and officials tell Breitbart News that the new regulation — which is expected to save American taxpayers billions while slowing the flow of mass unskilled legal immigration to the country — is likely to be enacted in full this year.

“It’s incumbent upon the U.S. government to evaluate [immigration] applications in a manner consistent with federal law, and the proposed public charge regulation is a necessary step to achieving that goal,” a USCIS official told Breitbart News in a statement.



  1. About time. And if Americans are, generation after generation, dependent, they should also be cut off.

  2. Absolutely ! It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that the glass is more than 100 % full.


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