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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Left Wants to Transform Our Election System. It’s a Recipe for 1-Party Rule.

Democrats intend to save “democracy” by putting themselves in charge of elections.

As absurd as that sounds, it really is a part of the inappropriately named “For the People Act of 2019,” or H.R. 1, moving through the House of Representatives.

The Heritage Foundation created a list of the law’s provisions, which you can read here. The Conservative Action Project also provided this quick rundown of the bill:

• Forces states to implement mandatory voter registration, removing civic participation as a voluntary choice, and increasing chances for error.

• Mandates that states allow all felons to vote.

• Forces states to extend periods of early voting, which has shown to have no effect on turnout.

• Mandates same-day voter registration, which encourages voter fraud.

• Limits the ability of states to cooperate to see who is registered in multiple states at the same time.

• Prohibits election observers from cooperating with election officials to file formal challenges to suspicious voter registrations.

• Criminalizes protected political speech by making it a crime to ‘discourage’ someone from voting.

• Bars states from making their own laws about voting by mail.

• Prohibits chief election officials in each state from participating in federal election campaigns.

• Mandates free mailing of absentee ballots.

• Mandates that states adopt new redistricting commissions.



  1. I have several words for this legislation. First is Communism,

  2. I sure hope that doesn't come about. People are crazy!

  3. It's that fundamental change that Obama talked about. Judge for yourself.

  4. Have to watch these people,the swamp sticks together.

  5. Trickle down from the new world order, we can not let this corruption happen. Keep the power from the hands of democrats

  6. The swamp sticks together and sucks people right on in. Beware of who you vote for in 2020.

  7. If no one believes that socialism couldn't happen, just Google Wikipedia on the history of Nazi Germany, Stalin, Castro, Venezuela, etc.
    Looking back, we wonder how the citizens let it happen.
    How, you ask?? Ignorance and apathy. That's how. And a big dosage of complacency and MSM compliance.
    Now, look how many of the social media outlets are shutting down - or making conservatives feel guilty about their conservative speech. Or for supporting Trump. Or for supporting the wall. Or for wanting to make america great again. And so on. We are afraid to express our constitutional rights of free speech.
    All of those instances above happened because the government controlled the media and the media can control how people think. Look at Jessie Smollett.
    We NEED Trump more than ever. Not because we like him, but because he is the antithesis to the mass migration toward socialism and one party rule.

  8. A few Republicans tricked us last time.


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