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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Socialism 2020


  1. Instead .....Deport Them Both to Venezuela !!!!

  2. DONT LAUGH. New poll out Dems wand Socialism over DEMOCRACY ..... Civil war is coming.

    1. Polls lie, it was proven in 2016

    2. Dems are leaving in DROVES bc of 9 month abortion and socalism TRUE DEMS ...If there is any LEFT.

  3. Commedante Sanders.

  4. A new Mine Comf book coming out soon !!!!

  5. Oh please let this happen, President Trump will have a field day on these two. You think he was harsh with Killary in debates, just wait for these two.

  6. I swear that picture says it all - make America Venezuela if any of you out there vote for these fools.

  7. Wish they'd all move to Venezuela Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Cortez all the ones that find nothing wrong with the country tearing down historical statues, preferring immigrants over the Americans already here, not giving us a better life. Instead they prefer giving them health insurance, housing, replacing American jobs, and bankrupting this country. Allow them to also rape and kill and allow them to reenter this country as many times as they want even if they already have a criminal record. Let them have the right to vote because their votes can be bought. What is wrong with this wait 20 years more and see where it gets you, I'll be too old to care or deceased.

  8. Dems will be leaving power & office with 2 Term Limits to
    get Rid of these Idiots for good !!!

    2 Term limits for ALL , just like the POTUS !!! a Must

    incl Supreme Court / House /Senate / FBI Director / etc etc

  9. Get some of those Blue pills Bernie !!!! Blue pill man !!!!


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