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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

School House Rock -The Preamble

Everyone in high school should have to watch this. Heck, most people on the entire Eastern Shore should be forced to watch this too.


  1. Need to sit Nancy and Cortez=(PANTY GIRL) Her new nickname. And all the other a_s holes down and have them watch tell it gets tru there thick skulls

  2. Residents of and former residents of New York and California should watch it along with the New Green Deal supporters!

  3. The United States was born of resistance to a tyrannical government, one that stripped us of our rights and of our property. The Constitution was born of giving us rights, not taking them away.

  4. Excuse me! Born here, Educated through a 4 yr Deg here and will likely die here.

    If the people that live here dont know this stuff its becasue their parents and teachers did little to stress the importance. Civics is a required course in Maryland. IMO it should be taken as a senior as it is possibly the most important thing you are going to learn in school. (I may know math, physics, chemistry or Aced Phys Ed & Home Econ but, none of that will stop politicians that want to take your rights.)

    I say this because I learned and forgot much of it until my late 20's when I reengaged and began to take an active interest in this country. Funny how my interest coincide with me A)leaving a liberal college B)having to provide for myself and pay taxes C)generally having tasted freedom after college but realizing that this freedom was constantly under attack.

  5. waking up is okay 1258. Welcome back!


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