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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Culture Beat: Californians Want to Flee Their Socialist 'Paradise'

A majority of residents want to leave the state over problems their own leftist voting record created.

The problem with California is Californians — at least that’s what the latest survey data indicates. According to the 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer, 53% of California residents are considering moving out of state due in part to high housing costs, homelessness, and an overwhelming belief that the state’s best days are behind it. But to whom are Californians looking to solve these problems their own voting for leftists has caused? Well, 53% believe it is the federal government’s job to solve California’s problems. Sorry, wrong answer.

Like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo shifting blame to President Donald Trump and the Republicans for ending the federal government subsidizing high SALT deductions in tax heavy states, too many California residents are blaming the feds for the very problems their local politicians have created. As Stacey Lennox, writing for The Resurgent, observes, “Judging by the responses, it is as if citizens of this state by and large see themselves as victims. Like they have completely forgotten they put the yahoos in office who have made the policies that have caused housing prices, homelessness and other problems to skyrocket.”



  1. Don't come here to ruin our paradise.

  2. Joe
    CBS POPL Dems want socalism over democracy CIVIL WAR IS COMING.

    1. 10:37- How many times today are you going to say Cival War is coming? That is all you ever state! Day, after day. That's you! You made your point already! It's tiresome.

    2. Keep cheering lol

  3. Exactly what happened to Colorado.... Californication.

  4. They got what they voted for.

  5. Had a conversation over a year ago with a liberal who had a problem with a state law. I asked if he was a liberal democrat and when he said yes I pointed out the fact that Maryland for the most part has been run by liberal democrats for the last 50 years. You should have seen his face. I left him with the suggestion that maybe he ought to understand government a bit better and vote accordingly.

  6. As a young child (I'm now in my 80's) I was raised in San Jose Calif. At that time San Jose was about the size Salisbury is now and it was a really a great place to grow up. There was never any snow and there were all kinds of fruit trees. In the winter the temperature got down to about 50 degrees on a cold day and the summers were never too hot. It never rained in the summer.One summer I took swimming lessons at Roosevelt Jr high school's out door pool. It was a really nice living there but now it is the heart of silicon valley (actually Santa Clara Valley) and you couldn't pay me to live there.It's only about 50 miles south of Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco. Liberals have destroyed it.

  7. This year's record breaking rain and snow in the north are going to be the cause of record breaking flooding and mudslides when the snow melt comes at the end of next month. Preparing for the worst instead of just waiting for it might be a good idea.

    1. @10:36 what paradise are you referring to. Hate to tell you bit their already here

  8. California Hell Hole !!! Sanctuary for Illegals !!!

  9. People GO to California and STAY in California because of the weather. Say what you want, but they have some of the lowest heating bills in the country. And you can't find a better place to be jobless and homeless. You'll never freeze to death sleeping on a sidewalk or in a park in Southern California. Those folks aren't leaving, they're still arriving in droves. In California, it doesn't matter if you have a job or a place to stay. You can go there with NOTHING, and not have to worry about anything. California will always be a beacon for young people (and illegals). I understand the Mexican mentality of "invading" Southern California, heck, it used to BE Mexico. The Californian government is now giving it back to them.

  10. they are like locusts!

  11. We should build the wall around CA to keep the people there. Treat them as foreigners and they will need to apply to get back into the US. Maybe build a wall around NY and Chicago as well.


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