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Saturday, February 23, 2019

LISTEN: 79-Yr-Old Woman Calls Intruder 'Punk,' Shoots During 911 Call

A 79-year-old Jackson County, Georgia, used a 911 call to report a home invasion then fired a round and called the alleged intruder a “punk” while talking to the dispatcher.

The incident occurred in Commerce, Georgia, on February 12 but the 911 was just released.

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release on the incident, describing it as a home invasion and burglary” which occurred shortly after noon. The 79-year-old woman “heard someone trying to get in a window and went to her back door to look out, at which time a black male was standing there.” She warned the would-be intruder not to come into her home.



  1. I just love happy ending stories.

  2. Love it...they should give he a crack at a part with Clint Eastwood. They may make a good pair considering age and balls. Glad she is safe.


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