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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Black Culture = Segregation


  1. Well definitely repeat this one

  2. Oh boy, here we go again, "I'm the white man and I'm the victim".

    #1 "cultural appropriation" has NOTHING to do with a white man playing music created by blacks. In fact, rap/hip hop would not have reached its status as world wide Pop music like today, if it wasn't for white kids consuming it in mass.

    #2 Black people should ALWAYS stand proud of their African roots and Black American culture. It is an inseparable, intricate, and foundational thread of the American tapestry. Praising it does not mean one is practicing segregation.

    #3 Its almost summer. Go anywhere in this country and you will see a litany of Italian, Polish, German, etc. festivals. Always cracks me up how various European cultures can be celebrated by whites, yet when folks of color choose to do the same, conservatives scream their heads off about "assimilation"

  3. That's what they want. They want to infiltrate ALL and destroy them. Then turn around and exclude all but blacks into their organization. But if WHITES do it it's RACIST. WHEN WILL WHITES WAKE UP?? I guess NEVER since they have WHITES talking about how horrible it is being WHITE. CAN YOY IMAGINE BEING SO INDOCTRINATED TO BELIEVE THAT CRAP?? WHITE SUPREMACY. WOW. THEY ARE THE COLLEGE EDUCATED?? WOW.

  4. No Equality until Whites get Equality !!!
    Do away with Affirmative action laws (favors Blacks over Whites / Reverse Discrimination )
    Allow Whites to have NAAWP
    Whitish Show
    White History Month
    Level Playing field
    School Choice
    Treat Whites with all the protections Blacks have !!!!

  5. 10:11 Yes until then there will always be Segregation !!!

  6. White's CULTURE is being Erased !!! Wake up America !!!


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