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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Larry Hogan rips RNC for shielding Trump from primary challenge

The Maryland governor, weighing a White House bid, said he expects to visit New Hampshire in the next few months.

Republican Gov. Larry Hogan said Thursday he expects to make a springtime trip to New Hampshire as he weighs a 2020 challenge to Donald Trump — and accused the Republican National Committee of going to extraordinary lengths to shield the president from a potentially draining primary.

“Typically they try to be fair arbiters of a process and I’ve never seen anything like it and I’ve been involved in the Republican Party for most of my life. It’s unprecedented. And in my opinion it’s not the way we should be going about our politics,” Hogan, a popular two-term Maryland governor, said in an interview with POLITICO. “It’s very undemocratic and to say, ‘We’re in some cases not going to allow a debate, we may not have a primary…’”



  1. Doesn't Larry have a statue to remove somewhere?

    1. If RINO hogan wants to be President he should enter the dem primary with the other clowns

  2. Oh Larry just stay home. You do not need to visit New Hampshire, unless of course you are going on vacation, because you can just show everyone in the country what a RINO you are by just staying right there in Annapolis. Furthermore, no one wants to hear more BS that you want to spew.

  3. Go have a beer with Frosh

  4. Hogan is a 2nd amendment hating RINO POS.

  5. Trumph would make Hogan look like a fool at a debate. Hogan should not embarrass himself. I agree, Hogan should just stay in Annapolis. If he were a real Republican he would have supported the president for the last two years.

  6. Is the MD tax payer paying for this? Is he going during the time the Legislature is in session? Hogan needs to stay home and do what he promised on the campaign trail. Hogan needs to work on and submit bills on what he promised during his campaign and stop the bully Democrats bills that is costing MD tax payers and stop the robbing / stealing from the MD State Employees Retirement Fund.

  7. I was so glad when he was elected. A Republican in this state? And I thought he did a lot of good in his first term. Now? What is going on? I hated his anti-Trump remarks said publicly. Is he getting worse with that? It sure seems that way. He is no conservative. He seems to be leaning more and more liberal. And I cannot stand his Trump bashing .

  8. My earlier remarks do not mean I go along with everything Republican. The party is far from perfect. In fact, that's how Trump got elected! Back to Hogan - - I DO NOT SUPPORT HIS PRESIDENTIAL BID!

  9. He was only a “popular” governor because our options were nonexistent.

    I’d rather slide down a razor blade into a vat of alcohol then vote for him again.

  10. Crybaby RINO Hogan. Go play your sad song to the Baltimorons that you represent.


  11. Larry, keep your butt in A'polis. You have less than 4 years remaining in office and a long list of Republican goals to pursue. If you get your work done look for other opportunities then. Like Senator, which will also be up for a more realistic challenge.

    1. He should finish the term & get out of politics

  12. Who determined Rino Hogan to be a “popular” politician??? Not me...

  13. Hogan you never been a republican
    Just stay home and do the job your supposed to do then go away
    Nobody cares about what you think and or feel you back stabber


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