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Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Sherree Sample Hughes

Who is paying for this? I want to know who is paying for this. What an abuse!

I did not give her my personal information!

How is this allowed that they cull data from the voter registration rolls? 

So basically I paid to wish myself a happy birthday because she is using taxpayer dollars to do this?

I am outraged, this is outrageous.

I didn't vote for you, please stay out of my mailbox and my personal information!


  1. I got mine last November & it had a $20 bill in it.

  2. That's creepy. She is showing stalking tendencies. I could see if someone had sent her a donation or whatever but even that to going and looking up someone's birthday is pure stalking behavior. Can you imagine what would happen if someone sent her a note criticizing her in some way.

  3. Stop being lazy !!! - you have choices !!! - It is not like you were raised in a barn with no options - did you vote at in your lifetime? If so your name is on many a list just waiting to receive mail. (easy peasy). Have you picked up a phone and asked the question? Have you been to a meeting and asked the question? Since this is a problem with only you (don't see anyone else on here crying in their been about such a letter) you need to use your God given brain to find an answer - not depend on other to do BS for you. JUST SAYING -

  4. Yeah right. That would have gone in her pocket.

  5. I want to know how she can be a delegate AND be employed by UMES? Does she take leave while in Annapolis?

  6. If this "outrages" anyone, they need to take a chill pill and get a life. Of all the things to get upset about, this has to be at the bottom of the list.

  7. Don't like it? Throw it away like all the other junk mail you get. Problem solved. If you live to be 100, you can throw away the Birthday wish you get from the president (on taxpayer money) as well.


  8. Quit yer bitchin'; after all she did vote for free illegal tuition so she's making restitution to you cuz you're a citizen and will have to pay for education.

  9. 8:20 AM LOL you must be a registered democrat. I am an independent. explains why mine was empty!!

  10. As if your birthday is a secret?
    Each representative has a mailing budget. It's how it works.

  11. State and Federal employees are not allowed to use taxpayers money for person reasons.

  12. I got my bday letter also and she asked Me to send HER $20!

  13. What is so funny is you idiots think it is ok to spend TAXPAYER money on this. Only in Smallsbury is it ok for your politician to spend YOUR money sending out birthday cards to the whole population and you idiots applaud it.

    It is true that you can not fix stupid and birds of a feather flocked here to the ghetto and made a town of stupids.

    I have finally witnessed a town of morons.

  14. February 23, 2019 at 9:21 PM:

    Well, we can certainly tell a moron from everybody else. Apparently you can't. You just call a whole city morons. YOU are the idiot here. And every president sends out birthday cards, personally signed by him, to certain constituents, on YOUR tax dollar. I guess that makes you a moron along with the rest of the US population, using your stupid logic. If you don't like Salisbury, stay the hell away. (I'm not from Salisbury, but I had to address your hateful comment)


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