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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Christian Sues College for Banning Her Jesus-Themed Valentine’s Cards

A Christian activist is now suing Northeast Wisconsin Technical College after it restricted her freedom to hand out Jesus-themed Valentine’s Day cards on campus.
Polly Olsen has taken her fight against Northeast Wisconsin Technical College to the court system. Since 2014, Olsen has been fighting to end a “free speech zone” policy that has shut down her efforts to spread some positivity on Valentine’s Day each year.

A recently released video shows Olsen being stopped by school officials in the middle of her Valentine’s Day card distribution. In the video, Olsen politely walks around a campus building handing out her cards. Eventually, she is confronted by a group of officials who ask her to leave campus.

More here


  1. Correct me if I'm off base here, but isn't Valentine's Day named after Saint Valentine?
    Secularists love the Christian holidays but hate to acknowledge their origins. If the school is going to ban Jesus themed cards because they're offensive to non-Christians, then they need to abolish Valentine's Day altogether.

  2. Good hope she wins!


  3. Is she actually a student there? May have some bearing on her ability to wander the campus, despite her good intentions.

  4. American idiots spending billions on man-made holidays

  5. But if it was a Muslim card ?????

  6. What would liberals think if they wanted to ban beer on St Patrick's day.


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