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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Weekend Snapshot — Top Stories This Week

The Humanitarian and Security Crisis on Our Border

A full analysis of Donald Trump's Oval Office address, as well as the Demo rebuttal.

'National Emergency' Threat Puts Pressure on Dems

The president continues to float invoking his national-emergency powers to fund the border wall.

The Ecofascist 'Green New Deal'

Like FDR's New Deal, the plan expands government power while forcing taxpayers to foot the bill.

Democrats Embrace Anti-Catholic Bigotry

Senators Harris and Hirono demand that a judicial nominee leave the Knights of Columbus.

Traditional Masculinity Is 'Harmful' — Who Knew?

Leftists seek to destroy the very foundation of our cultural understanding of gender.

Study: Discrimination Now Favors Women

Women aren't oppressed in America. In fact, the truth is very much the opposite.

'Medicare for All' Would Exacerbate a Leading Cause of Death

"People assume universal health insurance would equal better health outcomes. This isn't true."

China Confab With NoKo's Kim Is Tariff Gamesmanship

Beijing summoned its puppet to talks because Trump's trade moves are hurting.

Pelosi's MSM 'Wrap-Up Smear' Collusion Against Trump

It's all about leftists' unquenchable thirst for statist power, and for them, Americans outside the Beltway are just collateral damage in their quest.

The Economy's Roaring, Stupid

Despite a bad December for stocks, many signs still point to a healthy economy in 2019.

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