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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Hoyer Compares Government Workers Still Working During Shutdown to Slavery

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D.) on Thursday compared the situation of federal government employees still working during the partial shutdown to slavery in the 1800s.

"Yes we lament the pain that is being inflicted on the 800,000 people who work for the federal government. And the 440,000 people that are being asked to work with no pay," Hoyer said during arally in Washington, D.C. "You know, back in the 1860s, they talked about working with no pay."

The comment, made to a group of federal union workers outside the AFL-CIO’s headquarters, was an apparent reference to when African Americans worked as slaves. It was met with a few shouts of approval from the crowd.

President Donald Trump and Congress remain at an impasse over funding for Trump's proposed wall along the southern border. The standoff has resulted in a partial government shutdown that is now in its 21st day. Over 800,000 furloughed federal government workers will go without a paycheck on Friday.


Publishers Notes: I consider it honorable that they keep working.


  1. Fed govt is way too big!

  2. What does he know about work?.A career politician that's never held a real job. If you are really that concerned, build the wall!

  3. WOW. Maryland must be proud of this BOOB!! He's still getting his pay check though. WHAT A LEADER. NOT!!

  4. Careful or Hoyer will be speaker the house.

  5. $145,000/yr. slavery? Give me a f**king break!

  6. Oh no Steny, you are wrong. They can walk out and quit anytime. Nobody is stopping them. Its not slavery, its a job. A job that pays more than the private sector, with Cadillac benefits, and a golden pension plan that they are all just counting the days to (all at taxpayer expense). Slavery? You are delusional if you think anyone believes that, just because you said it. You are a poster boy for congressional term limits.

  7. The don't HAVE to work for no pay. Steny does a dis-service to all Africa-Americans of slave descent, with such a callous and shallow statement like that. A government worker is no slave...quite the opposite. They can quit and walk away at any time. But they won't. Not either one of those 800,000 overpaid government workers. And everyone knows why they won't quit. They ARE slaves to that government pension that they other 200 million American workers don't have access to. Government workers ALL know the date of their last day of "work" if you want to call it that.

  8. Another idiot in the government.


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