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Sunday, January 06, 2019

The Coming Second Civil War

A new paradigm has become evident in both the demographics and the political landscape of 21st Century America. Our nation’s major political camps are becoming increasingly polarized. The differences between the more populous and liberal coastal regions versus the lightly-populated and conservative inland regions are growing more sharp with every passing year. In the long term, a clash of wills between the Red and the Blue is almost inevitable. Whether this will result in conflict or in eventual partition and accommodation remains to be seen. Trouble might occur as early as the year 2020. Or it might be a full generation away. But sooner or later, I can definitely see it coming. This rift might result in a Second Civil War. If and when it comes, this war will not be on racial lines nor on economic lines per se. Rather, It will be a war of world views.

Even a liberal and profoundly statist magazine like The Atlantic has recognized that there are huge disparities between rural America and urban America. In a recent article titled Red State, Blue City, author David A. Graham pointed out there might be armed conflict between the two camps.

Another troubling change is the overt politicization of our government agencies. Recently the US FBI –once considered an unassailable paragon of the even-handed Rule of Law–has recently come under fire for harboring political schemers. These conspirators formed a secret society within the FBI that maneuvered the agency to selectively soft-pedal investigations on their friends, while ramrodding investigations on their political opponents.

The supposedly “Independent” Mueller investigations have been tainted by heavy political overtones. There are now competing camps within the FBI, the CIA, the DIA, and even the Department of the Interior. No state or Federal agency or subdivision of government can now be trusted to conform to the Constitution and its strictures. All of that went out the window, back around the turn of the Century. (The 21st Century, that is.)



  1. Zero chance of civil war. Trump supporters have jobs, retirements and responsibilitys. Most people talk about civil war and being "ready" are cowards. It's all bs. Most Trump supporters don't want to spend life in prison over and election. Ridiculous. Just my opinion

    1. If we don't have a civil war u WON'T have a job.

    2. To say any possibility has zero chance is,in itself, profoundly ignorant.

  2. We Patriots can't wait to have the civil snoowflake war TICK TOCK.

  3. Only if Lee or Grant had had cell phones!!

  4. 216 go bow to islam.

  5. 2:16 - Good point, but sometimes the herd of cowards needs to be thinned.

    1. Ru calling Patriots cowards ? Coming from a snowflake POS commie that's funny.

  6. Boy are you blind. The Democrats / Soros is pushing anarchist groups. They are supporting divisiveness, dems push race baiting, open borders etc. As this keeps increasing people will become more pissed off for having to support these bums. Then comes looters. Then comes self protection.

    1. Yup then comes the Dem head stomping.

  7. You have your opinion 2:16 , Trump supporters are also sick and tired of the MSM BS . You must realize this , if you treat a man like a dog in time he will act like one , he will then bite you . You called them cowards , I disagree , I call them part of the army to come. I call you the coward with a streak of bright yellow down you back . By the way , most of us are truthful and ready you idiot. That's a real Trump supporter .

    1. 548 turn OFF the news. They are multimillionaires being paid to read a monitor and act. It's all for ratings and money. They don't care and probably all vote Trump. Ratings, actor, money..., zero chance of civil war. Silly to talk about it. Take a vacation and UNPLUG.

  8. IF it were to happen, my money is on non-liberals...we have the guns, liberals hate guns...want to go to their crying closet...just saying...

    1. As we drag them out of there basement.

  9. No one will be bored into revolt whilst there are so many channels, games and apps not to mention constant shopping and eating .

  10. I believe the government will try to goad the citizens into a fight. Then the military will murder many Americans. Don’t fall for it.

    People cannot defend themselves against this government. Hunker down and stay off the radar. Take care of your family.

    1. Only Dems would try to kill patriot Americans.

  11. Sounds like y’all ready!! So how do you know who we shootin’? Will we just shoot anyone who looks like a libtard?

  12. 2:16 Did you also claim Trump had a Zero chance of winning the election?

    1. Waste of time engaging with morons like 2:16pm.

  13. I’ve been peaceful my entire life but now I want a real war with the communist snowflakes

    1. Only those that have never experienced war want one. It's one thing to prepare for it. Something completely different to wish for it. Idiots like you will be taken out in the first wave for nothing more than your food and water supplies.

  14. This is stupid. Turn off the news entertainment machine... go outside and meet your neighbors. You will find, that Americans are almost all similar and care about the same things.

    Of course there are a few small bits of idiots... always have been always will be.

    The people in power WANT us to be divided so they can control us, and get rich off of us.

    We are better than that.

    1. Typical delusional liberal. You idiots think you can change the world.

  15. Why are we here? Because Democrats want one part rule and Republicans never fight back. That’s why trump is a breath of fresh air.

  16. The polarization of the population is happening as planned.
    The people aren't polarized, the message is polarized.
    In other words, it is being done deliberately by the media.

    Most Americans are so ignorant of the issues they cannot have a logical opinion.
    They cannot defend their present opinions in a logical manner.
    Correct me if I am mistaken.

    Americans for the most part, are mindless sheep.

  17. I believe the chances are higher than they've been in 100 years. Stock up on ammo.

  18. Forget the guns, we have an even-more potent weapon, FOOD. Where are the farms? In the "red" zone. Where are all of the hungry mouths? In the "blue" zone. The Mil isn't strong enough to both tamp down the cities, AND seize the food from the farms.


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