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Sunday, January 06, 2019

Gay Community Launches Outrageous Attack on Chick-fil-A Because They Support Fellowship of Christian Athletes

It’s really strange how liberals just can’t seem to come to terms with Chick-fil-A. Heaven forbid that a company in the United States is owned by someone who believes in traditional marriage. Apparently, the liberal left isn’t OK with a Christian owning a business in America. Very backwards and not exactly tolerant.

The latest example of liberal intolerance toward one of the most successful companies in America comes to us courtesy of a writer from SB Nation who is mad that Chick-fil-A is sponsoring the Peach Bowl.

From The Daily Wire:

Last week, prior to the Peach Bowl college football game in which the University of Florida played The University of Michigan, a writer for SB Nation sports blog’s LGBTQ extension, Outsports, attacked Peach Bowl sponsor Chick-fil-A and its foundation for supporting the Fellowship of Christian Athletes while sponsoring the Peach Bowl. The piece’s title snarled, “Chick-fil-A’s participation in sports is still a big ‘F-you’ to LGBTQ people.”

The writer, Cyd Zeigler, posited, “Years after Chick-fil-A family man and CEO Dan Cathy tried to distance his company from the anti-gay positions he and the Chick-fil-A brand had taken, promising to make changes, Chick-fil-A has doubled down on the support of anti-LGBTQ causes, one of which takes direct aim at gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer athletes.”

Zeigler concluded:

I want to watch this game above all other non-playoff college football games this holiday season. But I won’t. Chick-fil-A’s sponsorship presence at this game precludes me from watching one second of this game. And that’s a shame. Sports should bring us together, not divide us. Until Chick-fil-A abandons its financial support of anti-LGBTQ groups like Fellow of Christian Athletes, and instead state the Foundation’s support of equality, I simply will not watch that bowl game. It’s a shame that the Peach Bowl, and the powers in college football who have elevated the profile of the anti-LGBTQ bowl game, would subject an entire community to this prejudice.



  1. I guess now he knows how alot of people feel about the NFL. I'm sure many would like to "watch football," but not the "protests."

  2. Oh, the Peach Bowl is a college football game that highlights gender issues? When did this happen?

  3. Where are all the LGBTQ business owners let them foot the bill for any sporting event. You know Kaitlin Jenner Stadium or the Rue Paul cotton bowl. I say put up or shut up.

  4. Either one believes in God’s Word or not. As for me, it is the guide for my relations with God and my fellow man. Simply put, love for the sinner (as we all are) and not the sin should be the goal. The behavior of folks that promote the LGBTQ is contrary to my beliefs, and I will not be persuaded to participate. In addition, I will not deviate from adherence of God’s Word and trying to live accordingly. In so doing, I will pray for the strength necessary to tolerate such behavior, but at the same time will not compromise my understanding of God’s Word and His plan for us. Therefore, determination to frequent Chick-fil-A for the good food, and appreciate the faith and witness the Company projects will continue to be a part of my life.


  5. Q: How do you know someone is vegan?

    A: Within the first five minutes they'll be sure to tell you, and they'll sulk if you don't trot out their preferences.

    Same for the LBGandassociatedconsonants crowd, and their adherents that have access to keyboards.

    Chick-Fil-A is excellent food, and the LBG bunch demand to be approved and fawned on. Chick-Fil-A merely serves its customers without inquiring into their personal habits and that's why the LBG bunch have their panties in a twist.

  6. The same people that are pushing this perverse agenda on our society are the same group that did the same to Germany in the early 1900’s leading anger and resentment that created Hitler

  7. What the hell are they bitching about,can't a queer go into Chick-fil-A and get a chicken dinner?


  8. Blacks are about 15% of the population.
    Most of the players to be drafted in 2019 will be black.
    Most of the undrafted free agents invited to camps in 2019 will be black.
    Most of the players who make the teams or taxi squads will be black.
    Most of the players cut or retiring in 2019 will be black.
    And now that black head coaches have ceased to be a novelty they'll be able to get fired just like regular losing coaches based on wins and losses.
    That's progress.

  9. It's not the whole "Gay community", it's a few rabblerousers with little else to do but make life miserable for everyone, gay and not.

    1. Really?? Just a few rabble-rousers?? Where are the gays who think differently?? Where are the gays who are against this behavior?? There isn't any that's why. This is the gay agenda. Search and destroy. They are ONLY tolerant if you believe in gay agenda. PERIOD??

  10. SOOOOO sick and tired of the gay community BS. They have been around for centuries. NOBODY GAF. WHY?? Because they didn't shove their asinine lifestyle in our faces. Just like the rest of the so called tolerant AA and Atheist CIVIL rights hustlers.

  11. I'm still a huge fan of Chick-fil-A and still a huge fan of God.

  12. You have too much time on your hands to write or even research this article. What would you do if your child was on either team? Why is it okay for you to disagree about something but if we disagree it makes us a racist? Form your own government. Build your own cities.
    I am against same sex marriage and sex changes but some of these people are my friends. It is okay to agree to disagree. Grow up.

  13. Seems to be that time of year again.

    I have no issue what you believe in. But don't you dare use your platform to push and or IMPOSE your beliefs on me. That's where the line is drawn - a la separation from church and state.

  14. Y or X one of those determines you sex in life. So being gay is a perversion I do not give a rats ass what you say you are not born gay. Gay is a choice. As for the FCA they have never turned away a gay athlete. The gays that wave that rainBLOW flag around are just like the kids that go Goth or the people that say they are vegan and are wearing leather shoes. Attention seekers period. Like the Principal at a local school that left her husband and kids for another women. Then plastered her office with rainBLOW decor. So can we fly Confederate flags in a board of ed office. I think not. Time to call a spade a spade.

  15. Silly Christians and your silly persecution complexes. You see, the LBGT doesn't really care about you... what they care about is when you try to discriminate or persecute THEM and you use your religion as the reason.

    You see... religious liberty means YOU get to follow your religion.. not force it on everyone else.

    The "liberals left" doesn't hate Christian businesses, and that is a nonsense claim. Half the country is Democrat or liberal... 70 % of the country is Christian.. the numbers are self explanatory that this assertion is just false, and boarder line laughable.

    Some Christian Churches actually support and have LGBT members and clergy... so to say the LGBT hate or Christians is absurd. They hate being marginalized by people who, instead of following their religion, feel entitled to force it on the rest of us.

    It really is as simple as live and let live folks.

    1. So I guess the same would apply to you. YOU get to lead whatever lifestyle YOU choose...not force it on everyone else

    2. Is that why you target Christian churches for not conducting gay marriage services ? And target religious businesses and sue them if they refuse to participate in gay weddings???? You’re actually just a tool by whoever is behind the leftist radicals

  16. Will these a$$hats leave Chick-fil-A alone. They cannot handle anymore business.

  17. lets have a block party and only invite muslims and gay people.

  18. I will always support Chick-fil-A great food great service and I support there morals. It's a win win win combination.

  19. 12:00- Jane, you ignorant slut. As a sibling of a "transgendered" brother, his hatred for Christians knows no bounds. He is even a head of intracompany relations at Comcast, yet HIS Facebook post shows his hatred of Christians. He even "got" his masters at Valley Forge Christian College. Rated the second worst accredited college in America. He expects me to conform to his deranged day to day, which includes his wigs, balloon breasts, and hating on my beliefs.

    Rest assured, the LBGTXYZ bunch HATE us. You're backwards. We want to be left alone. YOU want to shove it in our face. BTW, the B in LGBT, labels sexes of being one or the other. That's the literal meaning of "BI"!

    Your ignorant argument is the old stand by. You should get together with your fat friends, let's face it, they are likely morbidly obese, and come up with a smarter argument. My 11 year old came up with most of my point on a ride to Chik-Fil-A.

    You are a sad sack. For real.

  20. Not only is their chicken but I now have another reason to continue to give them my business.


  22. @ January 6, 2019 at 6:25 PM

    How many LGBT groups have introduced or passed legislation against Christians? or have tried to force compelled behavior and identification on Christians.

    That would be none.

    Where is the persecution and targeting via legislation against LGBT folks? You know the answer. Who are the groups actively pushing legislation against the LGBT community? You ALSO know that answer.

    There are no secular, non religious arguments against LGBT folks. It all stems from "my deity says you people are yucky".

    So you tell me, where is the hate coming from? What people hate, what any group of people hate, is to be marginalized, and persecuted.

    So you see... LGBT doesn't hate you. In fact, many ARE you. If you don't think there are Christian gays and trans you are sorely mistaken.

    Don't come here and stomp around and pretend ANYTHING is being forced on you. It is Christians who are directly behind legislating discrimination against the LGBT community, not the other way around.

    Live and let live.. the population of the LGBT community is so small.. who cares? Let consenting adults be just that. Celebrate our differences.


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