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Sunday, January 06, 2019

Sports Media Outraged As Nearly All of NFL’s Black Head Coaches Fired

The NFL began the regular season with seven black head coaches. However, as of Monday, that number is now down to two.

Now out of work are Tampa Bay’s Dirk Koetter, the New York Jets Todd Bowles, Miami’s Adam Gase, Cincinnati’s Marvin Lewis, Arizona’s Steve Wilks and Denver’s Vance Joseph.

Bowles, Lewis, Wilks and Joseph are black, as is former Cleveland coach Hue Jackson, who was fired during the season. So the minority NFL head coaching number took a major hit, and this caused dismay from some reporters on social media.



  1. But silent on the white coaches that were fired... the media loves to divide people based on color they are all about division instead of unity

  2. How about the fact that they were fired because they did not win..... sort of a job requirement there i’d think....

  3. Folks in 2019 lets recognize the game and stop feeding into it. 1) a few sports media pundits whose business relies on you paying attention to them sent out a few tweets. 2) a political site that depends on you paying attention to it elevates the visibility of the tweets then makes an attempt at blowing it into a firestorm all to keep you on their site. 3) meanwhile the vast majority of us, black or white, along with the fired coaches dont give a darn. None of these coaches are crying race and the public isnt either. Recognize the garbage the "news" is feeding you just to keep you riled up for no reason while they laugh all the way to the bank

    1. This is worthy of a post. FACTS

    2. I havebtold people this since about 2012. The sad thing is that many people actually enjoy being outraged all the time. Sad!

  4. Soooo they are supposed to keep their job when the suck at it because theyre black??? What has happened to this country " hey I suck but you cant fire me because Im black and youre racist.

  5. Graphic illustration. It has nothing to do about Race. It has to do with Winning. Even the stupids have to realize this.

  6. Unlike the colleges from which many coaches and players graduated, the NFL isn't an Affirmative Action program.

  7. Why aren’t there any female coaches?

  8. Performance is the key in any competitive activity, especially when money is involved. As far as the firing of NFL coaches goes, it is all based on performance. However, where are our “knee guys” when we need them. LOL

  9. Its about MONEY.. if any color coach wins he keeps his job if he loses he’s out..... simple

  10. $ is colorblind. Unlike gov, colleges and unions if you don't perform in the real world you are canned!


  11. So these guys got a mostly free ride as long as they attended college.

    And then they got overpaid careers for as long as they played pro.

    And then they got millionaire jobs as head coaches and compiled losing records.

    Then they got fired and will get another overpaid job as Assistant or Head Coach.

    Completely unfair, start to finish.

    1. RIGHT...SHEEESH...im glad my life isn't as hard as theirs!!! Lol

  12. Give me the best qualified any day and they will provide a greater potential to be successful in making me money! Regardless of race or gender!

    Money knows no color or sex. If you make it an issue, good luck with making money long term!

  13. Maybe because they suck?

  14. They wanted to be equal.

  15. I guess even in this career they think they can't be FIRED because of their black face. Hey NEWS flash. This isn't a government job!!

    1. I wish you clowns would wise up. This post was meant to stoke further racial strife. None of the fired coaches has said anything about race. This is a make believe controversy and you fell for it yet again.

  16. 10:58 because sometimes you just have to stick with what is right. Women have a crisis once a month.

  17. Why do they always make stuff like this about race ? So so tired of seeing this crap all the time.

  18. Who cares? I have not watched an NFL game since they took knee during the national anthem 2 years ago.

  19. Football is all about winning,if you lose you lose your job.Nobody gives a crap about race,it's all about winning games. PERIOD! Does anyone really believe fans of a winning team care what race the coach is? HELL NO,just win.

  20. Wait that's right all black head coaches are perfect it's only the white ones that should be fired my bad. It's just my white privilege way of thinking coming out once again. Take race away and look at performance then would they have been let go?

  21. Now time to get rid of Lamar Jackson and John Harbaugh!


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