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Sunday, January 06, 2019

House Democrats Plan New Traffic Tax

Federal government would collect GPS data and tax at higher rates in congested traffic

House Democrats are planning to put forward a new tax on drivers stuck in traffic, according to Americans For Tax Reform.

The new tax, to be introduced by incoming House Transportation Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), is meant to punish drivers by taxing them at a higher rate when they’re in congested traffic.

The traffic tax would be part of a new program for “Vehicle Miles Traveled” [VMT] tax that would replace taxes on gas.



  1. This is why you should never vote Democrat.

  2. Democrats are really evil, aren't they?

  3. uh...will NOT pass.

  4. The dumbocrats are trying to tax air and now trying to tax our movements.
    Dumbocrats are the party of evil and institutional corruption.

  5. How about lets give it a rest for once democrats
    Always going after the working man every time
    I got an idea how about taxing the crap out of all politicians instead for seams like to me everyone of you all end up filthy rich

  6. They should change their criminal organization name to taxocrats !

  7. Taxing playing video game playing, taxing you on your travels, there is nothing that they won't tax, and still end up pissing it all away. I bet they will add tax to air conditioning and electric heating use very soon.

    1. Look at your electric bill, there is a federal tax on it already....

  8. Democrats are going to be disappointed because the Senate is going to shut them down.

  9. I think there should be a tax on democrats! the more liberal the higher the tax! depending on how many categories you can fill the higher it goes. abortionist, tax, gay tax, open borders tax, abolish ice tax! take a knee tax! climate change tax! one way to stop the democrats tax em out of existence! easy peasy!

  10. Maybe focusing MORE on proper business management (spending) than figuring out additional revenue streams (taxes) would make our city/state/country much better long term.

    Then again, lather/rinse/repeat seems to be the status quo to those in CONgress.

  11. How about just a tax on all democrats period

  12. Look, it isn’t Democrats.
    It is their BOSSES.
    The financiers of campaigns.
    The richest people on the planet.

    Wake up and educate yourselves!

  13. Must be a desperate attempt to fix this multi-trillion dollar debt our country has been put in.

  14. So they are going to tax you if you have to sit in traffic? They are the ones allowing so many people in one area that the roads can't handle the flow. They do that so they can collect the taxes yet never build enough roads to handle the traffic. In a sense the traffic is their fault and they are going to tax us for it. I think it's a game. Who can come up with the stupidest tax and get it passed. Owemalley still holds the record for the rain tax.

  15. A vehicle miles tax is a great idea to replace the outdated gas tax.
    Lets not kill an idea before it is fully thought out,
    It is "ready , aim, fire" , not fire, aim , ready

  16. The democrats also want to tax breathing.
    The inhalation tax is for "Clean Air" and requires everyone to pay for breathing.
    Larger people will pay more since they breath in more air, smaller folks will be taxed less.
    Dead voters will get a tax break.
    Liberals will be taxed at a half rate since they are half-witted.
    Politicians will be taxed at the highest rate since they are full of hot air.

  17. 7:22 AM - Really! We are educated! Do not come here and defend or justify your democrat friends. Those are the a$$es that need to be educated. Go be with them and be honest with your liberal heart.

  18. I work in an office of mostly democrats and a fair number of looney "Bernie Sanders" democrats. Guess who complains about stupid laws like this? You guessed it - them. They only pay attention to gun restrictions, health care for all no matter what, and anything else to break the back of this country. They they don't see this crap and have the nerve to complain. Guess who loves to educate these idiots???? It is a pleasure to serve - although they still vote democrat. Some of these loons are actually suffering the effects of the ACA and still support it!!!!! The public education system has done a great job. My 14 year old son makes better informed decision than 99.9% of democrats.

  19. Technological prison.
    Welcome to America

  20. Trying to enact their socialist policies on us.

  21. That is about as stupid as O'Malley and Ireton's stupid "Rain Tax."


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