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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez: Critics Are More Concerned About Facts Than Being ‘Morally Right’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) said on "60 Minutes" Sunday that the focus on her factual errors by political opponents was "missing the forest for the trees" and having her facts right wasn't as important as being "morally right."

"One of the criticisms of you is that your math is fuzzy," interviewer Anderson Cooper said.

Cooper mentioned the Washington Post‘s Four-Pinocchio rating of Ocasio-Cortez's claim that $21 trillion in Pentagon "accounting errors" could fund two-thirds of progressives' desire for "Medicare for all."

"Oh my goodness," she said. "If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees. I think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct, than about being morally right."

Oh my goodness, more factual errors here


  1. Very hard to digest that Ocasio-Cortez, Pelosi, Waters, et al are actually voted in by PEOPLE.


  2. Wow, what an ignoramus this poor girl is.

  3. She's an arithmetic-ist math-denier. Numerical lives matter!

  4. My goodness, how many years of this woman must we endure?

  5. Queen of word salad

  6. Morals while being important will not hold up in a court of laws...laws that she is supposed to be be creating for our nation. God help us all.

  7. Dave T: Spoken like a true blue "Dumocrat." After all, feelings as always more important than facts in her mixed up distorted world.

  8. Every day Cortez proves what an idiot and fool she is. She's a perfect dumbocrat.

  9. Spoken like a true lib. Let's not let truth and reality get in the way of feeling good.

  10. She needs to take her roller skates off and exit the building, she is way out of her league!

  11. What a waste of a college education.


  12. She is truly clueless, and enjoying her 15 minutes. But what she's babbling will eventually come back to bite her. And the 'morally right' posturing is reminiscent of Jimma Carter's self-perceived pipeline to the truth.

    Apparently she was holding back tips from co-workers before winning her primary. Hardly a 'morally right' approach.

  13. She is on top of the world right now with all the attention. She is so dumb that she doesn't realize people are laughing at her not with her. Bless her heart she can't help being stupid but her supporters are the ones I worry about.

  14. AOC is more concerned with "likes" that with being correct.


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