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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Coons claims border wall would not stop majority of drugs, criminals entering U.S.

U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) claims a border wall would "do nothing to stop the overwhelming majority of drugs and criminals that enter our country."

Sen. Coons issued a statement reacting to the President's address from the Oval Office, saying “I am not going to support a costly and ineffective border wall that will do nothing to stop the overwhelming majority of drugs and criminals that enter our country through airports or land ports of entry."

“The President’s continued insistence on building a wall along our southern border, which he justifies with misleading and even false information, is not productive and only serves to further divide our country," Coons stated.

Sen. Coons said he and his colleagues are willing to vote to invest in "smart, effective border security," that does not include a wall. "It is my hope that he will understand in the coming days that he needs to accept one of the bipartisan options available to him to re-open the government and make sensible, robust investments in border security that we can all agree on.”



  1. Sen. Coons, with absolutely no respect, you have no idea what you are talking about.

  2. So Chris, then why haven't you been successful in stopping illegal aliens, drugs, and weapons if you are such an expert?

  3. Coons is a dope from dumbaware!

  4. He switched from Connecticut Republican to college Democrat in the early days.

  5. Has he been to Israel? Walls work.

  6. Hey coons walls do work
    Just go ask Acosta
    He showed everybody the other day how well they work

  7. He could care less what the citizens of Delaware want. More of that same ole stick to a stupid party line. They wanted a freakin wall/barrier until President Trump said he wanted one and then every single one of them changed their stories. Now all of a sudden we could make do with drones and electronic surveillance, yadda, yadda, yadda. If that were the case we would already be using it. More TDS.

  8. Dear Senator, I am so sorry that your meager level of intelligence doesn't allow you to realize that stopping drugs was only one of many reasons for building the wall. Also I have seen juries awarding 10-20 million dollars in settlements for people dying, so if the wall keeps enough drugs out of the country to prevent even 500 deaths then it was worth the money. Oh I forgot you are a liberal and don't care about death, otherwise you wouldn't support abortion.

    I really sick of idiots playing politics.

  9. Coons complains while Federal workers suffer. Making matters worse is his fellow representative celebrating those workers out of work by bring beer into congress to help the joy. Has Nancy rejoined her Hawaii vacation yet.

    Suck it in Federal workers. You are being "represented".


  10. Coons is the idiot grinning like a Jack O'Lantern when Handsy Uncle Joe was pawing his young daughter at his swearing in a few years back. He's a marionette!

    He thinks drugs are mostly being flown in by airline passengers? Or coming through Customs at legal ports of entry? His height in inches eclipses his IQ.

  11. It doesnt take being an "expert" when you use readily available data from the experts to develop your policy stance. Wish some of you would learn to do the same.

  12. WOW. This guy is another clueless performer from Delaware. But the FREAKING IDIOTS will vote for this DELUSIONAL BULLSHITER for decades like BIDEN.

  13. I read this statement as him saying,a wall will not stop drugs from entering the country because we will find other ways to protect this precious source of democrat income.

  14. How can he possibly know? It's never been done.


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