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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Judge Napolitano’s Breakdown Of ‘Unconstitutional Means’ To Gather Evidence Got President Trump’s Attention

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano accused the FBI of using “unconstitutional means” to obtain information against President Donald Trump on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday.

“One [warrant] is easy to get. One is difficult to get. When the FBI can’t get the more difficult one they get the easy one. And that has corrupted them,” Napolitano said. “And that has enabled them to gather evidence by unconstitutional means and that’s what they did to the president.”

Napolitano was discussing the FBI’s use of FISA practices and said the agency has abused the process to obtain low-standard warrants.

“This is not something normally done by the general counsel of the FBI. If he were doing his job, he would say to them stay away from FISA,” he continued.


1 comment:

  1. Surprising to hear this from the never Trumper "Nap"


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