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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Hate persists-- Covington High School closed Tuesday

The Kentucky high school whose students are at the center of a viral video controversy after last week’s March for Life Rally says it will stay closed Tuesday due to safety concerns.

The announcement by Covington High School Principal Robert Rowe was made in a letter sent to parents, students and staff. Students from the Catholic school are said to be facing death threats – and have been widely maligned and vilified online – after a video clip emerged Saturday that gave some commenters an inaccurate impression that the teens were harassing a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, following the pro-life demonstration.

“After meeting with local authorities, we have made the decision to cancel school and be closed on Tuesday, January 22, in order to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and staff,” Rowe said. “All activities on campus will be canceled for the entire day and evening. Students, parents, faculty and staff are not to be on campus for any reason.”

The Campbell County Boys Basketball team, which was supposed to be playing Covington tonight in a game, also announced its game was canceled Tuesday.



1 comment:

  1. So by closing the school and running scared the lying MSM wins again. What happened to standing up for what is right. Anyone who watches the ENTIRE video and not just what CNN wants to show you can see who the real racists are. My suggestion, open the school, station swat at all entrances and dare these people threatening harm to these kids to set one foot on school property. These people threatening are cowards and a show of force will fix all of this!


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