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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

SPINELESS RINO: Ohio Gov. Kasich Vetoes Fetal Heartbeat Abortion Bill

Demonstrating once again his penchant for moral cowardice, Ohio Gov. John Kasich vetoed a bill on Friday that would have banned abortions on unborn babies with detectable heartbeats.

According to LifeNews, Gov. Kasich vetoed the bill arguing that it would not survive in a court challenge. He did the same in 2016 for similar reasons. The difference between then and now, however, is the addition of Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court – the bill could theoretically survive if it went that far. Kasich also argued that the legal challenges would cost taxpayers too much money.



  1. Kasich is no RINO, he is however a serious, intelligent, thoughtful and qualified Republican politician and executive.

  2. "Kasich also argued that the legal challenges would cost taxpayers too much money."

    In other words, don't play the game, you might lose.

    Does anybody care about these little doomed ones?
    How do they get the protected status?

    Toss on your comfortable bed all night, Kasich.

  3. He is a criminal. By vetoing this Bill puts him in line for accessory to pre-meditated murder. He has voluntarily authorized the murder of a living Human Being.

  4. your statement is an oxymoron

  5. How so explain your comment oxymoron.


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