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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Are there any 'good guys' left in Syria?

After President Trump announced the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, in his usual manner (via Twitter), a flurry of indignation struck him. The squall is no less than after the unilateral withdrawal of America from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in October of this year.

As we know, this flurry of indignation concerning nuclear missiles soon subsided. However, it sank only after Trump's critics finally bothered to read the text of the treaty and were able to ascertain that it concerns only land-based missiles and does not affect sea, air, and space-based nuclear weapons at all. At the same time, the USA has at least a tenfold advantage over Russia in sea-based and air-based nuclear systems. The hysteria about this in America and Europe has remained calm for a long time, but in Russia, this move of Trump still causes undisguised irritation.

I hope the unfair accusations of "betraying the Allies" and "New Year's gift to Iran and Russia" will soon also subside. An example must be taken from Russia – she has already learned her lessons in dealing with Trump, and there is no euphoria in the Kremlin about the "withdrawal of American troops" from Syria. Why?


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