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Sunday, December 02, 2018

Sen. Cardin: Trump Policies Have 'Caused Anxiety at the Border'

President Donald Trump is to blame for stoking “anxiety” at the U.S.-Mexico border, Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., said in an interview on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday.

"We are looking at children being subject to tear gas and that's the United States causing that, and that's outrageous," Cardin said, referring to American authorities using tear gas on migrants at the border on Sunday.

According to the senator, the Trump administration is “making the circumstances worse,” with its policies towards migrants attempting to seek asylum.



  1. Well I guess it should cause Tension at the border when America is being Invaded...duh

    1. I thought Cardin was dead. Haven't heard from him in a long time

  2. How nice of him to say this as seated in a newsroom nowhere near the border to experience what’s really happening.

  3. WRONG Dems and OBAMA and Soros has caused this and was done on purpose bc of the hate for Trump.

  4. The views and political BS coming from the democratic
    politicians in Annapolis, do not represent the Patriots
    of the eastern shore of MD. We will prevail...

  5. Another idiot Politian from MD. He knows the UN and Soros is funding this invasion and encouraging these anarchist with lies. The deal with the children is the fault of the parents dragging them into a danger zone. The parents knew what they were doing. The parents are guilty of child endangerment. The MSM,CNN,MSNBC and others are making it sound like the US is using deadly gas which is a lie. They are using pepper gas. If they were using tear gas or even CN or CS gas they would not be without gas mask. Also the gas being used is an irritant not a poisonous gas. I have been sprayed with all this in training before I retired and had no health issues.

  6. Dave T: No, a lack of progress from deadbeat liberals like Ben Cardin has created anxiety at the border.

  7. They have been warned not to come....maybe they don’t even understand Spanish....they get what they deserve.

  8. The parents are the ones causing this. They know there would be consequences for breaking the law, yet still elected to involve their children in it. Sorry, blame the parents not the United States!

  9. So sorry to see him as my senator. President Trump didnt start this. If senator cardin thinks this is do bad-tear gas. I wonder if he would volunteer to stand guard duty on the border and have rocks and bottles thrown at him. What should they have done-stand down like the Baltimore cops did during the Freddy Gray riots? At what cost? Part of the presidential path is to protect and defend the country and constitution fro.enemies, both foreign and domestic. If these people were our friends they would understand the need to respect our laws and borders, something our enemies would not do.

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 27, 2018 at 5:43 PM

    It should read Cardin's Liberal Policies have Caused Anxieties and Headaches for Tax-paying Citizens of Maryland.

  11. I support President Trump 100%

  12. He always criticizes but never offers his or the democrat's solution.

    Does dinosaur ring a bell.

  13. He needs to retire to a nice comfy rocking chair and keep his old gray ass out of politics.


  14. Cardin's awake? He usually takes a six year nap.

    If the illegals were on his doorstep and trying to jimmy the door he'd have a better notion of what it's like in our southern border states. But he lives in a bubble completely insulated from the reality.

    We have a legal pathway to residence, and perhaps eventual citizenship, in the US. It requires securing a visa in the home country, and yes, for most it requires a wait for consideration. That's life.

  15. Ben Cardin, the fact that you keep getting re-elected "have caused anxiety" to true Americans.

  16. Cardin should take in some illegals and comfort them, feed them, cloth them and pay for the hospital bill and doctor bills for those giving birth to the anchor babies. I don't think the pregnant females cross the border with pockets of money to pay the hospital doctor bills.

  17. How embarrassing that Maryland has the most incompetent, corrupt, congressman. They continue to vote them in.

  18. Cardin another idiot Maryland Democrat.

  19. We'll see how he does once the redistricting is in place and not carved out to keep him in office.

  20. well, ben, should we allow the illegals in? idiot!


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