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Sunday, December 02, 2018

Cummings says U.S. must let caravan migrants enter: 'That's the law'

Rep. Elijah Cummings, ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, said Sunday that caravan migrants seeking asylum should be able to enter the country immediately, challenging President Trump’s efforts to keep them in Mexico while their cases are processed.

“That’s not the law. They should be allowed to come in, seek asylum. That’s the law,” Mr. Cummings said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Asked if he would support changing the law, the Maryland Democrat said, “No.”



  1. Is he going to let them move in to his house?

  2. His constituents must be very proud to have elected him.

  3. Why do Democrats act so angry all the time? Screaming fools.


  5. He's right. The law says if asylum seekers come to a port of entry, they will be offered asylum.

    The law is the law.

    1. Lol what port are them coming thru

    2. That's the problem idiot - they are not t the point of entry. They are throwing stones and demonstrating - isn't that what they are supposedly running away from. Lol

  6. I think this idiot is maryland resident , enough said.

  7. The only way to change his mind is if the immigrants voted Republican.

  8. WAFM - it's not the law!
    How does this waste of oxygen continue to get re-elected?! Never-mind - baltimorons!

    1. You can say that about all of Maryland's politicians - Hogan; MoM

  9. Under 1958 Walter act is Cumming has broken the law very big away and commit crime under those act's would be remove put in super max for life.

  10. It's the law to pay your taxes. So why hasn't this person paid his taxes or faced the consequences. It's all about Democrats and the "r" word, yep, racism......but not by the whites.

  11. "He's right. The law says if asylum seekers come to a port of entry, they will be offered asylum."

    Kinda stupid statement. Anybody can SEEK asylum but you gotta be granted that asylum before entering.

    1. They CANNOT pass another COUNTRY and get Asylum in America .

  12. @ November 26, 2018 at 1:27 PM

    Actually, it is the law.

    - The Immigration and Nationality Act
    - 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol
    - The Refugee act of 1980

    Asylum is a protection granted to foreign nationals already in the United States or at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980.

    As a signatory to the 1967 Protocol, and through U.S. immigration law, the United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. The Refugee Act established two paths to obtain refugee status—either from abroad as a resettled refugee or in the United States as an asylum seeker.

    1. but mexico already offered asylum and they didnt take it

  13. Another example of why I can not wait to move out of MD.

    1. Know what you mean - I'm gone.

  14. This is why Maryland is a "sanctuary" State. This is why illegals obtain MD Drivers License and are registered to vote. He is just another loud mouth scumbag Socialist Anarchist Democrat.

  15. I'll trust this idiot when I see footage of he and his wife walking down any street (with no security team) in West Baltimore after sunset.

    Get you own house in order - then worry about our Southern border.

  16. Good one 1:22 !

    This turd looks like he escaped with the animals a couple months ago when the bars were removed from animal crackers.

  17. Asylum seekers still to be vetted. Most are young men looking for jobs and still hate America. Invasion is unlawful.

    1. Especially when the AHOLES are waving there own country's flag. GO BACK.

  18. @1:13
    Not exactly true. According to an International Agreement. Anyone seeking asylum is to do so to the country next to their country of origin. In this case that would have been Mexico. They can't pick and choose where they want to end up. Look it up!

  19. This guy is a complete unadulterated A$$. How an idiot like him ever gets elected is way beyond me. It is hard to even look at him!!!!

  20. He was the same politician out on the streets of Baltimore during the riots. He knew how to get the cameras on him. He is a disgusting, loud-mouthed, racist politician. That picture says it all......

  21. 1:56, good research. Please complete it.

    Do these young, strong military aged men carrying their home countries' flags and spewing hate foe America look like the refugees of your description?

    Find the difference between a refugee and an invader.




  22. That Cummings is a nasty man, indeed.

  23. He hates white people. That's his "I hate you" face. It's how he always looks when he's on his soapbox.

  24. Cummings: STFU and Sit Down.


  25. We could go on for days about what a complete jerk he is. Due to the way his district's boundaries were formed his 'voters' see his mug and automatically pull the lever for him. That won't change until he passes or steps down. Sad but true.

    Now to the discussion of asylum. Anyone from Central America has Mexico as their furthest North point to seek asylum. Mexico has an active disinterest in them and would turn most away.

    A Mexican might be able to approach our border in hopes of being granted asylum, subject to an in-depth review of their circumstances. Most just slip in illegally.

    The law also seems to specify exactly what locations qualify for consideration by citing a 'port of entry' rather than any old spot along the border.

    To sum: Legal immigrants (those we have invited via a visit to our embassy or consulate in their homeland) are welcome and add to our country.

    Illegal immigrants gotta go and get in line at the consulate 'back home'. They undermine wages and benefits for legal workers, and they and their offspring are costing us billions to support.

    Keep the pressure up, Mr. President. Don't relent.

  26. Nurse Ratched, Elijah is hiding and not taking his meds again.

  27. @ November 26, 2018 at 4:00 PM

    Well, that was easy. I simply did a search for pictures of the Caravan at the border, and wouldn't you know it. Men, women, and children. Sure is a strange way to invade... such a small army... with so many women and children.... funny these "invaders" generally make good laborers and employees. Plus... these "invaders" didn't bring any weapons? Sure is a weird way to invade huh?

    Tell me, exactly, how this is an invasion, of any kind? And how that makes any sort of sense?

    These unfortunate people tend to be very religious and family oriented. Sure some bad apples, but those are everywhere. We don't paint all local Salisbury residents as "criminals" because there are a few bad apples here now do we?

    Either way... Women and Children. In numbers. Escaping a horrible situation in their homeland. Sure look like Asylum seekers to me. Call me crazy, but when you look at the ACTUAL facts and not just allow yourself to be spoon fed the propaganda... the truth seems evident.




    1. Do you want the tents set up in your backyard. It can be arranged since you are so caring. When did mobs throwing rocks at incient people be okay . Doesn't sound like people who would respect our laws if they can't respect our immigrant procedures . You must live a sheltered life.

    2. Finding liberal biased pictures on a liberal biased search engine is the dumbest basis of an arguement you simpletons seem to want to keep using. If they are escaping horrific situations, than why are they waiving the very flag of the country they're fleeing? Why are they throwing rocks at our 1st line of defense? Why are they breaching through our defenses and not actually seeking asylum? Your a fool if you dont think they don't have weapons!

      You ARE crazy!




      You thought you were the authority on this issue, but evidently quite the opposite. Sorry, Snowflake!

  28. November 27, 2018 at 11:13 AM:

    Rather than tell you how much I disagree with your "compassionate" stance concerning illegal immigration Of people that have no desire to become US citizens, have no desire to learn our national language, and have no desire to obey our laws. But I will take your suggestion and call you "crazy."

    Your perceptions of the invasion are distorted by your rabid socialist views. Those pictures you call facts, are not the whole picture, just the ones you socialists want to see. That's why "Google" shows them to you. There are plenty of pictures that show the real story. Are you ignoring the pictures of these so-called migrants throwing rocks at the border patrol, breaking down the border fence, and cutting the concertina wire that protects our country from INVADERS? No, the pictures I can't ignore, look like an invasion to me. You are anti-America.

    And there you go!

  29. That's one dumb racist black guy.

  30. I would comment on EC,but commenters have beat me to it.

  31. Lots of them will end up in Maryland to select employers who donate to Democrats.

  32. What a FREAKING LOWLIFE POS. He doesn't know what the laws are. I bet he would change his mind if the immigration caravan were ALL WHITES!!

  33. Entry points are not set up to handle thousands of people at one time. The organizers knew this, the funding entities knew this, the Democrats knew this, the MSM knew this. What response did they all expect? The one that they're getting, just the one that makes the big headlines.


  34. He's the male version of Mad Maxine.

  35. The views and political BS coming from the democratic
    politicians in Annapolis, do not represent the Patriots
    of the eastern shore of MD. We will prevail.


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