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Sunday, November 11, 2018

John Cannon & Bill McCain Win At Large Wicomico County Seats

John T. Cannon Republican 4,586 10,016 0 14,602 28.7%

William R. McCain Democratic 5,123 8,066 0 13,189 25.9%

Julie D. Brewington Republican 3,583 9,119 0 12,702 25.0%

Jamaad Gould Democratic 3,686 6,625 0 10,311 20.3%


  1. Proof of 12,702 idiots in Wicomico County!

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth! Hard to believe there are nearly 13 thousand that would put that delusional drunk into office.

    2. They are TRAITORS to AMERICA.

  2. Congratulations John Cannon you and Bob Carver keep up the good work

  3. There are 1300 absentee ballots.

  4. John Cannon is a slum POS.

  5. Bye bye MATHIAS and Gillum LoL

  6. 11:42 PM Typical. Sorry but you've all screwed yourself with McCain. Good luck with that.

  7. I second that, let's wait and see if she goes out to celebrate. Next election I am not just voting , I am going to run against her. Watch out Brewington I will be watching you. Sorry I didn't run this year.

  8. Or 10,311 is more like it. I'm surprised GOULD did have the local gangbanging thugs out at the civic center with weapons demonstrating

  9. 5:29 AM Such a loser statement. Should a, would a, could a.

  10. I'd like to say good riddance to Shrek Dan O'Hare. Maybe you should focus on issues that are happening in this century. All this white supremacist, Naz bullshits is getting old. Kind of hard to move forward when you're always looking in the rear view mirror. Now go grab some malt liquor and lick your wounds with Kirkland Hall and Jamaal GOULD

  11. McCain's win is worthless without his other Palmer Gilliss plant jack Heath getting snuffed

  12. Are you sure these election numbers are right? Julie almost got-in. There wasn't that many votes difference between Bill McCain and Julie Brewington. Wow, that was really close.

  13. The size of the vote for Gould and Hamilton locally, Jealous and Dem. candidates elsewhere (Pelosi, Waters, Warren, Booker, Cardin, Colvin, Cummings, to name a few) shows that Democrats will vote for anyone on the ballot with the "D" designation.

  14. 11:42 - be prepared for them to try to repeal the revenue cap. McCain will not vote to keep the cap - Brewington would have. With so many uninformed voters choosing anyone with a (D), we should have done the respective opposite across the country.

    Be prepared for Nancy, Maxine, and Chucky to wreak havoc in DC! Their phukkery knows no bounds!

  15. Cannon and McCain have one agenda. Work with Dunn to repeal the revenue cap. Brewington , drunk or not was a better choice. Alot of people knew that..... that worked to get that tax cap pasted. We worked Darn hard, not to see a couple liberals destroy it
    Fools voted for Cannon and McCain.

  16. What is really sad - the crap that runs for elected office. We wonder why the sh*t rises to the top....


  17. I am going to save this post and come back in a year or so after your taxes have skyrocketed, to remind you of who exactly the real idiots were.

    1. Yeah and Dems never raise taxes ? Go back to Mommys Basement.

  18. McCain only objective is the revenue cap and teachers property taxes paid by the county. The guy is sickening

  19. Just 2 more rogue POS that is destroying Salisbury and making money off of Salisbury's giveaways.

  20. Done with you Julie now go to a rehab facility for more than a year and get yourself straight. LOOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. "LOOSER"? Don't you mean " LOSER"?

  21. The disheartening thing is to look at the four mentioned. Sorry but I could not pull the trigger on either one. Even being republicans, I could not live with myself casting a ballot for either one. It's sad that good common sense people won't run. Somebody that will treat OPM as if theirs. Most politicians are tax and spend.

  22. I am torn about Julie losing would have been fun but she is a loser .

  23. John cannons eyes are brown bc shit floats to his eye browses.

  24. 7:36 is that you Julie? Just goes to show the general public has no clue about political candidates.

  25. McCain can afford to pay extra he’s rich ,most of us cannot... his wife is a teacher so it’s about getting her a raise as wel... typical self centered liberal

  26. 8:33 - the good news about the revenue cap...
    The voters put it in by referendum...
    The voters have to take it out by referendum...

    These clowns may add the referendum as a sneaky sleight-of-hand so we all need to pay attention to what comes up at future elections!

  27. The Council would be fine if Cannon was not President. He made the last 4 years difficult with his little man, controlling behaviors. Watch closely and any lack of consensus has been a result of Cannon’s leadership. When sworn in, Council should responsibly select that role. There should be no excuse why any of the others can not handle that job. That is unless Cannon already bullied his way back onto that job. Shall see.

  28. Oh to be a fly on the wall tonight at the Wicomico Central Committee meeting where Julie Brewington showed up so drunk and belligerent! She yelled at everyone about how they ruined her campaign and did not support her, slurred her words while literally pointing fingers in everyone's face. She was soooo drunk they took her keys from her. At least 4 members commented on the booze she reeked of and her blood shot eyes. Even Mark McIver took a stand and said that anyone giving her the keys to car would be held liable. She told the committee to shut up and listen to her because all of our taxes would go up because we didn't write her checks and support her. When she was being sworn i she could not even "repeat after me".She excused herself from the meeting after being told she would be escorted out if she kept it up. She went and sat in Councilman Larry Dodds truck and tried to convince him to go in and get her keys. This was a public meeting with members of the public and one delegate present for the entire show! Julie needs an intervention. Stop listening to her hype. She is not innocent. If she is still drinking and driving and acting out unprofessionally she needs to resign.


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